Category: Espionage

Spy Investigations Considerably Slowed Down during Moon Jae-in Government, Investigations Restarted Under Yoon Suk-yeol Administration, but Concerns Remain

2023-1-9, Chosun Ilbo [TRANSLATION] Article Title: The Moon Government Let Go of Spy Investigations…Only 3 People in 4 Years (文정부, 간첩수사 손 놔… 4년동안 3명 적발 그쳐) Prior to the...

We Condemn Abolishing the National Security Act, which Guarantees Continuous North Korean Espionage Activities Harmful to the Free Republic of Korea

2021-6-3, Freedom Coalition For Defending National Security Act June 3, 2021 The 105 patriotic societies organized the “Freedom Coalition For Defending National Security Act” (국가보안법수호자유연대) on June 3, 2021.  The...