Large Scale Rallies Calling to Impeach Moon Jae-in on the Liberation Day in South Korea

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2019-8-16, Tara O

August 15, 2019 marked the 74th anniversary of Liberation Day in Korea and the 71st anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Korea.  Massive flag rallies occurred in central Seoul, including Seoul Station, City Hall Plaza, Daehanmun, and the outer ring of Gwanghwamun Plaza, South Korea.  People held South Korean flags (Taegukgi), the U.S. flags (Seongjogi), and the Israeli flags. Many called for Moon Jae-in to step down; some went further to demand Moon’s impeachment or drive him out from the office.  Major media, such as SBS and MBC, did not cover the rallies. KBS briefly mentioned that “the citizens who opposed the current administration confronted with candlelight (anti-Japan) citizens,” while covering the anti-Japan demonstrations, and drastically under reported the number of those who oppose Moon Jae-in as “3,000.”

Foreign media, meanwhile said there were massive anti-Japan, anti-Abe demonstrations, but either they mistook the flag rallies as anti-Japan, or they covered only the anti-Japan demonstrations, which were relatively small and not related to the flag demonstrations.  In fact, many flag rally supporters have been criticizing the Moon administration’s incitement of anti-Japan sentiment, which exacerbates South Korea’s economic and security situation.

It was a rainy day, but the flag (or Taegukgi) crowd still showed en mass.  Below are some photos.

Despite rain, the crowd gathers on 2019-8-15, Seoul
The placards:  “Drive Out Moon Jae-in,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The banner:  “The Gathering of Catholics to Defend the Republic of Korea,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The stage background:  “Impeach Moon Jae-in,” 2019-8-15, Seoul
The flag crowd gathers despite the rain, 2019-8-15, Seoul
The flag crowd gathers on 2019-8-15, Seoul



31 Responses

  1. I appreciate and respect your unbiased report. You said biased media. I would say oppressed press freedom. To my surprise my country has become oppressed press freedom for last three years. There is no one who i can ask to investigate the situation of oppressed press freedom. I hope you pay strong attention on severe situation regarding press freedom in Republic of Korea. If you want to know more detail, i will introduce several organizations who tell you the details.

  2. moon jae in is a agent of north korea.
    He will be impeachment.
    also communist.
    we want his pull down by the people.
    park geun hae is innocent, therfore
    come back korea president.

    • Most major media is under direct control of Moon’s government. Thanks for covering this important demonstration against Moon’s policies. His government has been a total disaster, he needs to be thrown out!!

  3. South Korean Press is not properly showing this rally to the public. None has put this on News, and they chose to propaganda pro-government rally, which has been 1/20 size compared to the anti-government, and they decided to exaggerate the number as well. We need your support and please keep showing these movements. South Korea should never follow communism, especially when our number one enemy, North Korea, is right above us, shooting missiles to threaten us. South Korea has to follow what our First president set – the deomcracy where the freedom is guaranteed. We need your support. korea under Moon government is changing the foundation of our proud nation. Please help us. Thank you.

  4. Moon jae in should be stepped down or impeached. He is the puppet of North korean brutal regime. Everythings he has done are totally against democracies and through anti US,anti Japan, he is trying to break down the balance of power in far east areas for brutal socialized countries like china and russia. All countries which are under democracies and freedom should remove moon jae in together for global peace and for stopping china/russia’s extension to pacific area. All people in the world who love freedom must support korea’s anti moon protest.

  5. It took a while but the SK people have come to realize Moon’s govt represents communism. It had been a great mistake.

  6. 참으로 부끄러운 한국의 언론이다. 2개의 신문에 아주간단하게 태극기 집회가 3000명정도라니 완전 공산국가인듯싶다.

  7. You are great media!
    God knows everything about dirty Moon’s government.
    I believe that the truths should be victory.

  8. I am surprised. In Korea, we cannot see this real report. Korean medias never report this, because they should suffer from all kinds of crackdown from government if they do. Thank you for your bravery.

  9. 모든 언론기관은 문재인정부의 나팔수노릇 그만하고 진정한 언론기관으로 거듭나기를 바랍니다.

  10. 이기사를 보면 한국 주류 언론계는 완전 타락한 False & Fake News이며 주사파들의 간신배들과 같은 존재들이다.
    문제인 정부는 하는것마다 문제인들과 문제들 투성이고 거짓뿐이니…ㅉ ㅉ …
    다행이도 이 집회가 세계에 알려지게되어서 감사한일이다.
    이집회를 통하여 이미 문재아인 문재인이 탄핵된것이나 마찬가지인것 같고, 또한 문제인을 추종하는 모든 문제아들은 문제인과함께 같은 운명이 될것임을 믿는다. 한국의 참주인이신 수많은 애국자들의 소리요 법이기 때문이다.
    대한민국은 하나님께서 보호하시는 나라이다. 하나님께서 반드시 하나님의 뜻을 이루실것이다.

    • I’m ashamed of not only the goverment of my country but some local major media fooling around it.

  11. 대한민국에는 분명 공산당이 존재하며 그들은 더불어민주라는 가면을 쓰고 자유대한민국의 정권을 장악했습니다. 처음에는 믿지않았습니다. 이제는 목격했습니다.

    • Korean moon is not ortho-leader but communist follower ! He wsa called dog of communist by most of conservative korean!resently…

  12. 2개 심문이 보도 한 것이 아니라 KBS만 3000 명 모인 것으로 방영했답니다.
    SBS 와 MBC는 방영하지 읺았고 심지어 외국언론조차 보도하지 않았다구요.

  13. I’m ashamed of not only the goverment of my country but some local major media fooling around it.

  14. Please spread this news to everyone around the world. While major S. Korean media broadcasters like KBS, SBS, and MBC (and many more) are all supporters of communism and the Kim Jung Un administration, YouTube and other international medias are not focusing this issue, meaning government controls the media. Moon is incompetent and he must be impeached because he hacked and cheated his way to the presidency. Moon’s parents are from N. Korea, and his father was a N. Korean spy, which is one main reason why he is called a “communist” and far left party. At the end it’s the innocent S.Korean citizens who suffer as unemployment has reached highest and economy is likely to enter the fearful IMF recession. Say NO to Moon!

  15. 그림을보니 정말놀랍내요 희망이보입니다
    국민이하나가 댄다면 땐 넘아니 땐할배라도 우리를 함부로 할수없어요
    빨갱이들을 처단해서 나라를 지키고 꺼저가는 불씨를살여야함니다

  16. Greatly appreciate your efforts to have taken these photos which shows huge crowd gathered to punish Moon’s regime. Please upload it at Youtube

  17. 진실된 기사를대하고보니 대한민국 국민으로서
    너무나 부끄럽고 기가막혀 눈물만
    흐릅니다 하나님이시여 부디자유민주주의
    대한민국을 꼭 돌려주시옵소서…

  18. 미국시민과 정부여러분
    대한민국은 미국을 감사하고 사랑합니다
    지금 대통령과 더불어민주당을 비롯
    공산주의자들이 대한민국을 반미로 몰고있습니다 그렇지만 국민들은 이렇게 자유를외치고 성조기와태극기를 들고 나왔습니다
    반미주의자들은 빨갱이 입니다

  19. 무뉘만 야당인 자한당은 문재인의 최악의 정책실패와 도덕적 해이에도 안일한 논평으로 국민의 혈세를 도둑젤하고 있다. 그들은 어떠한 치부가 있는지 모르나 들고 일어나 투쟁해야 할때다. 내년 총선에서 자한당은 따불인민당과 함께 사라진다. 3년간 비가 오나 눈이 오나 아스팔트위에서 박대통령의 무죄석방과 문재인하야를 외치고, 8.15 태극기 통합집회를 주도한 우리공화당이 나라를 구할 유일한 선택지다.