South Korean Student Organization Disburses Satire Leaflets of MoonNos, Avenger’s Thanos Parody, in Seoul and other Major Cities, Holds Candlelight Vigil Calling for the Resignation of Moon Jae-in

Last modified date

2019-5-27, Tara O

New Jeondaehyeop (전대협), a student organization that parodies the old pro-North Korea Jeondaehyeop from 1980s, but opposite in ideology, disbursed satire leaflets in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, and Daejeon on May 23, 2019.  On one side of the leaflet is “MoonNos” (문노스, pronounced “Moon-No’s” a parody of the villain Thanos from the movies Avengers: End Game and Avengers: Infinity War); the other side of the leaflet is Kim Jong-un’s message to the “dogs and pigs” of South Korea, with “dogs and pigs” being another parody, this time  of the animals in Orwell’s Animal Farm, which emphasizes Kim Jong-un viewing people as less than human beings, given his extensive and persistent human rights violations.  Two days after disbursing the leaflets, the organization held a candlelight vigil calling for the resignation of President Moon Jae-in.

MoonNos and the bejeweled Gauntlet

Note:  Many media outlets in South Korea blurred the face of MoonNos when reporting, perhaps fearing a backlash from the Moon administration, his party, or their supporters.

The leaflet with the character “MoonNos”

On top right of the leaflet, it states, “Are you ready to go together with me toward a socialist ‘Gangseong Daeguk?” “Gangseong daeguk” is a term North Korea used during the Kim Jong-il era to describe the stated goal of Kim to create a “strong and prosperous country.”  “Are you ready to go with me” is written to reflect the unique way Moon Jae-in pronounces words.

In the Avengers movies, the arch villain Thanos,  wears a gauntlet with six “infinity stones,” each representing different powers.  On MoonNos’ glove, the six jewels represent the following:

  • Blue:  Nuclear energy exit policy.  The destruction of the foundation of national energy.
  • Yellow:  Gongsoocheo (An investigative body that focuses on investigating/prosecuting only senior officials).  The control of Investigative authority. (For more on Gongsoocheo, see here.)
  • Red:  Interlocking Proportional Representation System.   Control of the Legislative Branch. For more, see here.)
  • Purple:  Control of the National Pension Service.  Control of industries’ chief executive management authority.   (The government’s National Pension Service used its stock ownership to oust the CEO of Korean Air, who died shortly after.)
  • Green:  Withdrawal of U.S. forces in Korea.  Inciting anti-Americanism.
  • Orange:  Goryeo Federation.  The End of War declaration, getting ready for North Korea-dominated unification under communism.

Thanos, with the gauntlet, can kill 50% of the population with a finger snap. In the satire poster under “finger snap” reads:

  • The massacre of 10 million people
  • 10 million “boat people” drowning in the East Sea
  • 5 million people sold to China for sexual human trafficking
  • 25 million people enjoy happy slave lives in the bosom of the general (Kim Jong-un)

(Note:  South Korea’s population is 50 million.)

The other side of the leaflet, <The Leaflet Sent to the Dogs and Pigs of South Korea> ( 남조선 개돼지 인민들에게 보내는 삐-라 )

The content on the backside of the leaflet is also parodied in the above video (link above) by new Jeondaeyeop (전대협).  The satire shows Kim Jong-un giving a speech regarding his message to the “dogs and pigs of South Korea.”

<The Leaflet Sent to the Dogs and Pigs of South Korea>.  Let’s overthrow South Korea’s systems. Our core Juche capability is already near completion.  The South Korean military is neutralized, the media is completely controlled, and the separation of powers that is the last defensive shield that protects the Jeokpae [accumulate ills/deep rooted evil–a term used to describe Moon’s political opponents] power is about to fall.  By passing Gongsoocheo and the Interlocking Proportional Representation System, [the Moon administration] has swallowed [taken over] investigative and legislative authorities; [the Moon administration] will altogether block YouTube and new media where the jeokpae in their 20s are lurking like rats; the culture/entertainment sector is completely controlled to bury any cultural jeokpae’s [entertainers/actors/musicians/writers/poets/comics/cartoonists, etc.] who dare suggest opposing views against the current [South Korean] regime; the film industry is completely dominated by our anti-Japan movies; Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) pulverized the disgusting private enterprises’ pursuit of profit and economic activities, forcing the pack of dirty industrialists/businessmen to leave the country and go into hiding in Southeast Asia (applause); Jeongyojo’s [Teachers and Education Workers’ Union] 20 years of teaching through the formal education system made possible the remolding of kids’ spirits from their roots and inculcated in them the ideas of  anti-democracy, anti-freedom, anti-market, anti-business, anti-civilization, anti-truth, anti-intellectual, anti-U.S., anti-Japan, pro-China, pro-North Korea, and socialism. Now there are only two obstacles remaining to our revolutionary line. First, withdraw the U.S. Forces Korea by declaring end of war and driving out the American bastards from this land; and second, completely exterminate the reactionary jeokpae opposition party herd to get rid of the defensive line against constitutional change in order to wrap up the revolutionary task within the current term of office [of the Moon administration], and simultaneously with the 100 years of seizing of power by the Democratic Party of Korea/Deobureo Minjoo Party, accept/welcome North Korea’s liberation army. (applause; shows Seoul City Mayor Park Won-soon dancing)


<When the Day Comes>  The unification of the fatherland is almost in front of our eyes. Soon when the juche revolution occurs, we’ll execute all jeokpae powers in front of the public as a sacrificial offering of unification and sprinkle their blood over the revolutionary foundation. The rest of the minjok traitors will be gathered together with their families and burnt. And we’ll wail loudly songs of joy. [Applause. Moon Jae-in smiles.] The dead bodies of American bastards, intellectuals, self-employed, and the jeokpae youth generation betraying the Moon Jae-in regime will be piled high like a mountain, and the blood of the opposition party bastards and all those complicit will flow like a river.  Make all of South Korea tremble before our revolution. The day when you can enjoy as much corn and potato as you like is not too far away. Inmin [a term used in communist/socialist systems for “people”], what are you afraid of? Juche year 108. The strong steel-like spiritual awakening of national salvation. Jeon-dae-hyeop. [fire works]


Ironically, the MoonNos character was initially created by a cartoonist Goopshinist (굽시니스트) on April 27, 2018 and the cartoon was carried in a left leaning journal Sisain on May 9, 2018.  The cartoon showed MoonNos stating “jeokpae cheongsan (elimination/cleansing of political enemies) is not as fun as it appears, ha ha.”   The six infinity stones of MoonNos’ gauntlet then were:  Geunne (Park Geun-hye), MB (Lee Myung-bak), Gunni (Lee Kun-hee, Samsung Chairman), Ahncheol (Ahn Cheol-soo), Journality (the media), and Eunni (Kim Jong-un).  The collection of these infinity stones completed the “Inni PT” gauntlet (“Inni” is a term created by Moon Jae-in supporters, but his critics also use it derogatorily; PT means political tactics.)

“The 3rd Moon Jae-in resign candlelight cultural event” held at Gwawnghwamun, Seoul on May 25, 2019

Two days later on May 25, New Jeondaeyeop held the third candlelight rally, which was attended by about 1,000, calling for Moon Jae-in to resign. Jeondaehyeop’s representative Lee Dong-chan (이동찬) stated:

We thought the Moon administration would make efforts to make a country that the citizens were expecting.  What the citizens want wasn’t a lot–it is to live freely and well in a secure country. However, foreign relations, security, and economy are collapsing under the Moon government. The country is being ruined.

Another man, Kim Soo-hyeon, began by talking about people around him suffering from worsening unemployment situation under the Moon administration, but said what really made him upset is Moon Jae-in treating the military and veterans so poorly, while taking care of his supporters.   He said “Do you know how the Korean War veterans live? …it’s awful…why doesn’t [Moon] take care of those who sacrificed themselves for our country? He only takes care of those who support him and give him votes.” (1:46:07)

New Jeondaehyeop stated that the police continue to investigate them regarding the placement of satire posters at university campuses on April Fool’s Day, and its Facebook account disappeared without notice. Jeondaehyeop’s YouTube videos and account may also be blocked at some point.

