Home > Economy / Translation of Korean News Spinach ↑ 128%, Cabbage ↑ 85%, Nappa Cabbage ↑ 71%… Nothing Affordable to Eat Woman shops for vegetables in Korea 시금치 128%, 양배추 85%, 배추 71% ↑… 먹을게 없다 한달 만에 무 57.1%, 파 47.1%, 상추값 40% 급등… 쌀은 1년전 보다 33%, 복숭아 29% 올라 원문보기: http://www.newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html/2018/09/04/2018090400207.html Categories:EconomyTranslation of Korean News _ Share Share on Twitter Save to Hatena Bookmark Share on LINE Share on Facebook Save to Pocket Subscribe on Feedly Related Posts Censorship / Lawfare / Media / Translation of Korean News The Blue House Again Pressures the YouTubers who Raised Suspicion about “Moon’s Missing 5 hours during the Forest Fire,” Filing Charges in the name of the Chief of Staff Abuse of Authority / Censorship / Communism / Dictatorship / Freedom of Speech / Human Rights / Moon Jae-in / Socialism / South Korea / Translation of Korean News Koh Young-ju Who Said “Moon Jae-in is a Communist” Found Guilty, Court Capitulated to Blue House Pressure Defense / Military / NLL / North Korea / South Korea / Translation of Korean News / West Sea North Korean Military Occupies Hambak and Other Islands in the West Sea Politics / S-N / Translation of Korean News South-North Summit to Begin on the 18th, 3 Days, 2 Nights…President Yet Again Goes to Pyongyang Law / People/Leadership / Translation of Korean News South Korean Left Wing Extremists’ Profanity toward the Judge who Released Former President Lee Myung-bak on Bail Disinformation / South Korea / Subversion / Translation of Korean News Ministry of Veterans Tells Korean War Hero General Paik Sun-yup No Burial Plot at Seoul National Cemetery Prev Post Seoul Vulnerable: The Abandonment of the DMZ and the Destruction of South Korea’s Military Capability Next Post South-North Summit to Begin on the 18th, 3 Days, 2 Nights…President Yet Again Goes to Pyongyang
Censorship / Lawfare / Media / Translation of Korean News The Blue House Again Pressures the YouTubers who Raised Suspicion about “Moon’s Missing 5 hours during the Forest Fire,” Filing Charges in the name of the Chief of Staff
Abuse of Authority / Censorship / Communism / Dictatorship / Freedom of Speech / Human Rights / Moon Jae-in / Socialism / South Korea / Translation of Korean News Koh Young-ju Who Said “Moon Jae-in is a Communist” Found Guilty, Court Capitulated to Blue House Pressure
Defense / Military / NLL / North Korea / South Korea / Translation of Korean News / West Sea North Korean Military Occupies Hambak and Other Islands in the West Sea
Politics / S-N / Translation of Korean News South-North Summit to Begin on the 18th, 3 Days, 2 Nights…President Yet Again Goes to Pyongyang
Law / People/Leadership / Translation of Korean News South Korean Left Wing Extremists’ Profanity toward the Judge who Released Former President Lee Myung-bak on Bail
Disinformation / South Korea / Subversion / Translation of Korean News Ministry of Veterans Tells Korean War Hero General Paik Sun-yup No Burial Plot at Seoul National Cemetery