Category: Human Rights

Another Journalist, Woo Jong-chang, Jailed for Libel, Judge Says Cho Kuk Defamed, Rule of Law Continues to Crumble in South Korea

2020-7-19, Tara O Another journalist, Woo Jong-chang (우종창, 63), is jailed in South Korea after being convicted of the “crime” of “libel” for announcing “false information.”  On July 17, 2020,...

A Young Energetic IT attorney, Will Fraud in South Korea’s 2020 Election be Uncovered? Kim Moon-Soo TV

2020-5-26, Kim Moon-Soo TV (김문수TV, a YouTube Channel) [Translation] [Note: Kim Moon-Soo (김문수) is a former Governor of Gyeonggi Province and former National Assemblyman with the Saenuri Party, forerunner of...