Category: Communism

We Condemn Abolishing the National Security Act, which Guarantees Continuous North Korean Espionage Activities Harmful to the Free Republic of Korea

2021-6-3, Freedom Coalition For Defending National Security Act June 3, 2021 The 105 patriotic societies organized the “Freedom Coalition For Defending National Security Act” (국가보안법수호자유연대) on June 3, 2021.  The...

Declaration: Former South Korean Diplomats Call for Freedom, ROK-US Alliance, Human Rights for Defectors, Adherence to UN Sanctions, Improving Relations with Japan, Abolishing China’s 3 Nos

2020-3-1, Former Diplomats of the Republic of Korea Declaration of the “Love for the Nation” Former Diplomats Meeting Dear fellow citizens, Since the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration, we...

Unification Minister Hearing: Thae Yong-ho Asks Lee In-young About Espousing Juche Ideology, National Security Law, Ji Seong-ho Asks about South Koreans detained in North Korea, Park Jin asks about the Alliance

2020-8-2, Tara O Despite the disapproval from the main opposition party, President Moon Jae-in approved Lee In-young (이인영) as the Unification Minister on Monday, July 27, 2020.  Lee was the...

Samsung in Crisis, Moon Government’s Takeover Attempts and China Threat; Impact on Global 5G, COVID-19 Treatments, World Economy, and South Korea’s Liberal Democracy

2020-6-11, Tara O Key points: Samsung is in crisis due to several years of South Korean government’s aggressive and unreasonable investigations against the company and the Vice Chairman Lee Jae-Yong,...