Home > Economy / Translation of Korean News Spinach ↑ 128%, Cabbage ↑ 85%, Nappa Cabbage ↑ 71%… Nothing Affordable to Eat Woman shops for vegetables in Korea 시금치 128%, 양배추 85%, 배추 71% ↑… 먹을게 없다 한달 만에 무 57.1%, 파 47.1%, 상추값 40% 급등… 쌀은 1년전 보다 33%, 복숭아 29% 올라 원문보기: http://www.newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html/2018/09/04/2018090400207.html Categories:EconomyTranslation of Korean News _ Share Share on Twitter Save to Hatena Bookmark Share on LINE Share on Facebook Save to Pocket Subscribe on Feedly Related Posts Human Rights / Lawfare / Purge / Translation of Korean News Tears Flowed, but I Did Not Cry Law / People/Leadership / Translation of Korean News South Korean Left Wing Extremists’ Profanity toward the Judge who Released Former President Lee Myung-bak on Bail 5.18 / Budget / Corruption / Economy / Human Rights / Korean War / Law / Lawfare / Rule of Law / South Korea South Korea’s Ruling Party & 4 Smaller Parties Exclude the Main Opposition Party Again, Disregard Parliamentary System, Quickly Pass ₩512 Trillion ($432 Billion) Super Budget Without Discussion People/Leadership / Politics / Translation of Korean News South Korean Scientists Protest Treatment of University President Accused of Misusing Funds Defense / Military / Security / Translation of Korean News Fire “Blazing” at a Military Supply Depot in Pocheon, South Korea Communism / Constitution / Defense / Elections / Nationalization / Security / Socialism / South Korea / Subversion / Translation of Korean News Just One Day After the Landslide Victory, “Abolish the National Security Act,” “Change the Constitution to Nationalize Land,” and the Prosecutor General Threatened Prev Post Seoul Vulnerable: The Abandonment of the DMZ and the Destruction of South Korea’s Military Capability Next Post South-North Summit to Begin on the 18th, 3 Days, 2 Nights…President Yet Again Goes to Pyongyang
Law / People/Leadership / Translation of Korean News South Korean Left Wing Extremists’ Profanity toward the Judge who Released Former President Lee Myung-bak on Bail
5.18 / Budget / Corruption / Economy / Human Rights / Korean War / Law / Lawfare / Rule of Law / South Korea South Korea’s Ruling Party & 4 Smaller Parties Exclude the Main Opposition Party Again, Disregard Parliamentary System, Quickly Pass ₩512 Trillion ($432 Billion) Super Budget Without Discussion
People/Leadership / Politics / Translation of Korean News South Korean Scientists Protest Treatment of University President Accused of Misusing Funds
Defense / Military / Security / Translation of Korean News Fire “Blazing” at a Military Supply Depot in Pocheon, South Korea
Communism / Constitution / Defense / Elections / Nationalization / Security / Socialism / South Korea / Subversion / Translation of Korean News Just One Day After the Landslide Victory, “Abolish the National Security Act,” “Change the Constitution to Nationalize Land,” and the Prosecutor General Threatened