[Full Text] South Korean Voting System Vulnerable to Hacking, NIS, KISA Report
2023-10-10, NIS/KISA Press Release [TRANSLATION] [Posted on 2024-12-17]

National Intelligence Service (NIS) Korea Internet & Security Agency (KIS) Press Release, 2023. 10. 10
Confirmation of Poor Cyber Security Management by the National Election Commission, Including Hacking Vulnerabilities in the Voting System
- The National Election Commission (NEC), National Intelligence Service (NIS), and Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) conducted a joint security inspection from July 17 to September 22, 2023.
- Multiple hacking vulnerabilities found in voter registration system, vote counting system, early voting system, etc.
- The National Election Commission plans to urgently supplement cybersecurity capabilities before the general election based on recommendations, etc. from the joint inspection team.
After concerns were raised in the National Assembly and the media in May about the National Election Commission’s poor response to North Korean hacking and management of information and communication infrastructure, the NEC, NIS, and KISA formed a joint security inspection team and conducted a security inspection from July 17 to September 22 with the participation of observers from the ruling and opposition parties recommended by the National Assembly negotiation groups.
The joint security inspection was conducted largely in three areas: △ System vulnerabilities, △ hacking response status, and △ infrastructure security management.
I. “System vulnerability check” was conducted by having a virtual hacker attempt to penetrate the National Election Commission’s computer network targeting all technical possibilities, and the following security vulnerabilities were discovered.
【Voting system】
- It was confirmed that the “Integrated Voter List System,” which manages voter registration status, voting status, etc., has a vulnerability that allows for infiltration into the National Election Commission’s internal network via the Internet, and that access rights and account management are also poor, making hacking possible.
– Through this, it was possible to change the contents of the voter list, such as marking “people who voted early” as “people who did not vote early” or “people who did not vote early” as “people who voted early,” and registering non-existent ghost voters as regular voters.
(p 1)
- By infiltrating the internal system of the National Election Commission, it was possible to steal the official seal (National Election Commission) and private seal (polling station) files stamped on the early voting ballots. It was also confirmed that the early voting ballot printing program testing was not strictly controlled, so it was possible to print ballots with the same QR code as the actual early voting ballots without authorization.
- In the “online voting system” used for some proxy elections, including by the ruling and opposition parties, it was discovered that there is an issue where the procedure for authenticating legitimate voters is insufficient, so even if a hacker votes on behalf of a voter, it cannot be confirmed.
- It was confirmed that external non-authorized PCs, not pre-approved equipment, could connect to the communication equipment installed at the early voting stations, allowing them to infiltrate the internal election network.
- In the case of “shipboard voting,” a type of absentee voting, the voting results of specific voters are encrypted and managed so that they cannot be viewed, but due to a security vulnerability in the system, the encryption was decrypted, allowing the voting results of specific voters to be viewed.
【Vote Counting system】
- The “counting system” where the vote counting results are stored must be installed and operated on a secure internal network (election network) and the access password must be thoroughly managed. However, it was revealed that hackers could change the vote counting results due to insufficient security management.
② The ballot sorting machine must control access to external devices (such as USBs), but it was possible to install a hacking program by connecting an unauthorized USB, and through this, the vote sorting results could be changed. In addition, wireless communication equipment capable of Internet communication could be connected to the ballot sorting machine.
【System Management】
- The National Election Commission must thoroughly manage its internal critical computer networks that process important information by separating them from the Internet and only allowing access with prior approval. However, due to the insufficient network separation security policy, communication between computer networks was possible, allowing for intrusions into internal critical networks (work networks, election networks, etc.) from the Internet.
② The National Election Commission must operate safely by setting passwords that are used when accessing major systems using a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. However, simple passwords were used, making it easy to guess and infiltrate the system.
- The National Election Commission must encrypt and manage important information such as system access passwords and personal information, but it was confirmed that △internal portal access passwords, △list of candidates registered in past elections, and list of overseas voters were stored in plain text, which could have been used to infiltrate key internal servers, and there was also a risk of mass personal information leakage.
Ⅱ. In the case of “hacking incident response” that has already occurred, there were cases where follow-up measures to block, secure, and enhance were inadequate.
- It was confirmed that the National Election Commission had no prior knowledge of the hacking incidents originating from North Korea reported by the NIS over the past two years and did not take appropriate countermeasures.
② The victims of the email hacking incident were not even notified, and incidents occurred repeatedly targeting the same employees.
- It was also confirmed that around April 2021, the National Election Commission’s Internet PC was infected with malware from the North Korean “Kimsuky” organization, resulting in the leak of confidential documents and other work data stored in commercial mailboxes and data stored on the Internet PC.
Ⅲ. A strict quantitative evaluation was also conducted on the security management status of major information and communication infrastructure facilities operated by the National Election Commission.
- The National Election Commission conducted its own “Inspection of the Implementation of Major Information and Communication Infrastructure Protection Measures” in 2022. The evaluation score was reported to the National Intelligence Service as 100 on a 100-point scale, but when the Joint Security Inspection Team re-evaluated the 31 evaluation items based on the same day, it was confirmed that the score was only 31.5 points due to insufficient security management of the computer network and service provider.
- We also found cases of violations of the law, such as conducting vulnerability analysis and assessment through unqualified companies that are not “information protection professional service companies” as specified in relevant laws.
(p. 3)
The joint security inspection team explained that they were able to infiltrate the National Election Commission system using hacking techniques commonly used by international hacking organizations, and that an attack was possible at any time by external forces such as North Korea if they so desired.
This inspection served as an opportunity to preemptively identify security vulnerabilities in the entire national election system, and the joint inspection team proposed to the National Election Commission a plan to strengthen hacking response capabilities by linking election system security management with the national cyber threat response system.
In addition, together with the National Election Commission, they immediately supplemented network to network contact points that could be exploited for hacking, bypassed user authentication procedures, and guessable passwords, and they stated that they plan to address various issues identified in this security check as soon as possible. The end.
(p. 4)

투ㆍ개표 시스템 해킹 취약점 등 선관위 사이버 보안관리 부실 확인
– 선관위ㆍ국정원ㆍKISA 3개 기관 합동으로 7.17~9.22간 합동 보안점검 실시
– 선거인명부시스템ㆍ개표시스템ㆍ사전투표시스템 등 관련 해킹대응 취약점 다수 발견
– 선관위, 합동점검팀 권고 등을 바탕으로 총선前 사이버보안 역량 긴급 보완 예정
지난 5월 국회ㆍ언론을 통해 선관위의 北 해킹대응 및 정보통신기반시설 관리에 대한
부실 우려가 제기된 이후, 선관위ㆍ국정원ㆍKISA가 합동보안점검팀을 구성하여 국회
교섭단체 추천 與野 참관인들 참여하에 7.17~9.22간 보안점검을 실시하였다.
합동 보안점검은 크게 △ 시스템 취약점 △ 해킹대응 실태 △ 기반시설 보안관리
등 3개 분야로 구분하여 진행되었다.
Ⅰ. ‘시스템 취약점 점검’은 기술적인 모든 가능성을 대상으로 가상의 해커가
선관위 전산망 침투를 시도하는 방식으로 이루어졌으며, 다음과 같은 보안
취약점들이 발견되었다.
【 투표 시스템 】
① 유권자 등록현황ㆍ투표 여부 등을 관리하는 ‘통합선거인명부시스템’에는
인터넷을 통해 선관위 내부망으로 침투할 수 있는 허점이 존재하고, 접속 권한
및 계정 관리도 부실하여 해킹이 가능한 것으로 확인되었다.
– 이를 통해, ‘사전 투표한 인원을 투표하지 않은 사람’으로 표시하거나
‘사전 투표하지 않은 인원을 투표한 사람’으로 표시할 수 있고, 존재하지
않은 유령 유권자도 정상적인 유권자로 등록하는 등 선거인명부 내용을
변경할 수 있었다.
② 선관위의 내부시스템에 침투하여 사전투표 용지에 날인되는 廳印(선관위)ㆍ
私印(투표소) 파일을 절취할 수 있었으며, 테스트용 사전투표용지 출력
프로그램도 엄격하게 사용 통제되지 않아 실제 사전투표용지와 QR코드가
동일한 투표지를 무단으로 인쇄 가능함을 확인하였다.
③ 與野 정당 등 일부 위탁선거에 활용되는 ‘온라인투표시스템’에서는 정당한
투표권자가 맞는지를 인증하기 위한 절차가 미흡하여 해커가 대리 투표
하더라도 확인이 되지 않는 문제점을 발견하였다.
④ 사전투표소에 설치된 통신장비에 사전 인가된 장비가 아닌 외부 非인가
PC도 연결할 수 있어 내부 선거망으로 침투가 가능함을 확인하였다.
⑤ 부재자 투표의 한 종류인 ‘선상투표’의 경우에는 특정 유권자의 기표 결과를 볼 수
없도록 암호화하여 관리하고 있으나, 시스템 보안취약점으로 암호 해독이
가능해 특정 유권자의 기표결과를 열람할 수 있었다.
【 개표 시스템 】
① 개표결과가 저장되는 ’개표시스템’은 안전한 내부망(선거망)에 설치ㆍ운영
하고 접속 패스워드도 철저하게 관리하여야 하나, 보안관리가 미흡하여
해커가 개표결과 값을 변경할 수 있음이 드러났다.
② 투표지분류기에서는 외부장비(USB 등) 접속을 통제해야 하나, 비인가 USB를
무단 연결하여 해킹프로그램 설치가 가능했고, 이를 통해 투표 분류 결과를
바꿀 수 있었다. 또한 투표지분류기에 인터넷 통신이 가능한 무선 통신
장비도 연결할 수 있었다.
【 시스템 관리 】
① 선관위는 중요 정보를 처리하는 내부 중요 전산망을 인터넷과 분리하여 사전
인가된 접속만 허용하는 등 철저하게 관리해야 하나, 망분리 보안정책이 미흡
하여 전산망間 통신이 가능, 인터넷에서 내부 중요망(업무망ㆍ선거망 등)으로
침입할 수 있었다.
② 선관위는 주요 시스템 접속시 사용하는 패스워드를 숫자ㆍ문자ㆍ특수기호를 혼합
하여 설정하는 등 안전하게 운영하여야 하나, 단순한 패스워드를 사용하고
있어 이를 손쉽게 유추하여 시스템에 침투가 가능하였다.
③ 선관위는 시스템 접속 패스워드 및 개인정보 등 중요정보를 암호화하여 관리
해야 하나, △내부포털 접속 패스워드 △역대 선거시 등록한 후보자 명부ㆍ
재외선거인명부 등을 평문으로 저장하고 있어 내부 주요서버 침투에 활용할
수 있었을 뿐만 아니라, 개인정보 대량 유출 위험성도 확인하였다.
Ⅱ. 이미 발생했던 ‘해킹사고 대응’ 부분에서도 후속 차단ㆍ보안 강화 조치가
미흡했던 사례들이 드러났다.
① 선관위가 최근 2년간 국정원에서 통보한 북한발 해킹사고에 대해 사전 인지
하지 못하고 있었으며 적절한 대응조치도 하지 않았음을 확인하였다.
② 이메일 해킹사고의 피해자에게 통보조차 하지 않아 동일 직원 대상으로
사고가 연속으로 발생하였다.
③ 2021.4월경 선관위 인터넷PC가 북한 ‘킴수키(Kimsuky)’ 조직의 악성코드에
감염되어 상용 메일함에 저장된 대외비 문건 등 업무자료와 인터넷PC의
저장자료가 유출된 사실도 확인되었다.
Ⅲ. 선관위가 운영 중인 주요정보통신기반시설 보안관리 실태에 대해서도
엄정한 계량평가를 실시하였다.
① 선관위는 2022년도 ‘주요정보통신기반시설 보호대책 이행여부 점검’ 자체
평가 점수를 100점 만점으로 국정원에 통보했으나, 합동보안점검팀이 31개
평가항목에 대해 동일기준으로 재평가 한 결과, 전산망 및 용역업체 보안
관리 미흡 등에 따라 31.5점에 그친 것으로 확인되었다.
② 취약점 분석평가를 관계 법령에서 정한 ‘정보보호 전문서비스 기업’이 아닌
무자격 업체를 통해 실시하는 등 법 위반 사례도 발견하였다.
합동보안점검팀은 국제 해킹조직들이 통상적으로 사용하는 해킹 수법을 통해
선관위 시스템에 침투할 수 있었는바, 북한 등 외부세력이 의도할 경우 어느
때라도 공격이 가능한 상황이었다고 설명하였다.
이번 점검은 국가 선거시스템 전반에 대한 보안취약점들을 선제 도출하는
계기가 되었으며, 합동점검팀은 선관위에 선거시스템 보안 관리를 국가 사이버위협
대응체계와 연동시켜 해킹대응 역량을 강화하는 방안을 제의하였다.
또한, 선관위와 함께 해킹에 악용 가능한 망간 접점, 사용자 인증절차 우회,
유추 가능한 패스워드 등을 즉시 보완하였으며, 최대한 빠른 시일내에 이번 보안
점검에서 적출된 다양한 문제점을 조치할 예정이라고 밝혔다. 끝.