Sex Bribery, Evidence Tampering Scandal of Lee Jun-seok, the People Power Party Leader, PPP Support Base in Uproar, Opposition Party Quiet
2022-6-25, Tara O
The People Power Party’s (PPP) Ethics Committee has been meeting to determine how it will punish Lee Jun-seok (이준석), the leader of the party, for the sexual bribery and evidence tampering scandal. The PPP Ethics Committee has delayed making decisions again, after its latest meeting on June 22, 2022. Some people are skeptical, because: 1) the Party failed to address the issue when the scandal was revealed six months ago, 2) many prominent politicians in the PPP have defended Lee, 3) the Ethics Committee chair, who is close to Lee Jun-seok, was appointed by Lee Jun-seok, and 4) the Ethics Committee repeatedly has delayed announcing the punishment, and some believe the committee members may feel intimidated. Interestingly, the public, especially conservative voices are calling for Lee’s removal, while the opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, remains silent on this issue.

The scandal was first revealed on December 27, 2021 at a popular YouTube channel Garo Sero Yeonguso (가로세로연구소, abbreviated as GaSeYeon) during its news program at 7 p.m. Note that this was prior to the presidential election on March 9, 2022 and the nation-wide regional elections on June 1, 2022. Interestingly, the Democratic Party of Korea (Deoubureo Minjoo Party) remained absolutely silent, rather than attack the PPP leader and promote the sex bribery scandal to turn the public opinion against PPP, especially during the recent elections. Another anomaly is that no feminist groups condemned nor even mentioned the issue. Major news media also ignored the sex bribery scandal initially, but the issue has snowballed since then.
Kang Yong-seok, a laywer, combed through over 1,000 pages of court documents, including prosecutor’s investigative reports and trial documents to discover the portion related to Lee Jun-seok receiving sex bribery (성상납). (5:23) The court record shows that the sexual bribes were provided to Lee Jun-seok in 2013, when he was a member of the Emergency Response Committee of the Saenuri Party in 2012. (6:22) He was in his 20s (born in 1985) at that time.
According to the investigation report, on August 15, 2013, Kim Seong-jin of iKAIST provided a “sexual bribe” (“성상납”) to Lee Jun-seok at a room salon and hotel lodging (across the street) worth ₩1,300,000 (~$1,100). (47:20) On August 23, 2013, Kim Seong-jin provided make-up set gifts worth ₩9,000,000 (~$7,500) to Edushare, which was headed by Lee Jun-seok. The report also showed Lee Jun-seok received sexual favors on July 11, 2013 at Yuseong Jupiter (Jupiter was the name of the room salon, Yuseong was the name of the hotel). The person who whistle blew to Hoverlab, Mr. Jang, who operates entertainment establishments in Daejeon, provided the other half of the bribery amounts, and the amounts in the court record refer only to the portion paid by Kim Seong-jin. Thus, the amounts are double ($2,200 and $15,000, respectively) what was in the court record, since Kim paid half and Jang paid half. Jang stated there were more bribes that were not listed in the investigation report.
When Park Geun-hye was the leader of Saenuri Party, she met Lee Jun-seok in late 2011 and recruited him to the party. Lee later joined Bareun Mirae (Correct Future) Party comprising those lawmakers within her own party who voted to impeach her, including Kim Moo-sung, Yoo Seung-min, Ha Tae-keung, et al., who later defected the party after voting to impeach the president from their own party. Thus the conservative public sees Lee’s move as a betrayal. Saenuri Party changed its name to Liberty Korea Party.
Those who defected the Liberty Korea Party formed a separate party Bareun Mirae (the name changed to just “Bareun“ later). The Bareun Party later merged with Liberty Korea Party on the condition that they “cross the impeachment river” (reference to crossing the Rubicon River of no return; that they will not take responsibility for their roles in the impeachment and the aftermath. For more on the illogical process of the impeachment, see here, here, here, and here.). The merged party changed its name to United Future Party in February 2020 and decided to move politically leftwards. The United Future Party later became the People Power Party, which is heavily dominated and guided by the former Bareun Party faction.

These court documents from Daejeon District Court were for a bribery case against Kim Seong-jin (김성진), former president of iKAIST (separate from KAIST, a university, but the university allowed the entity to use its name), who is currently in prison for his crimes. Kim Seong-jin provided bribes to numerous people of influence. According to the court documents, among the list of bribery recipients, other than Lee Jun-seok, are Song Young-gil (송영길) (of the Democratic Party of Korea infamous for a case that convicted him of sexual bribery in Vietnam, see here) and Ban Ki-moon (반기문), former Secretary General of the UN, who was expected to run for presidency in 2017 after the impeachment of Park Geun-hye, but quickly declared he would not run. Kim Seong-jin gave Ban gold in the form of 2 large gold toads on October 10, 2013, as Ban began to prepare to run for president (while he was the UN Secretary General).

Kim Seong-jin believed that Lee Jun-seok, since Park Geun-hye brought him into politics, had access and influence with Park Geun-hye, which Kim focused on. Kim Seong-jin’s message states the following, referring to his group of recipients in his Kakaotalk chat room as his “family:”
“Can our family members find individual gifts that will make a lasting impression for the 450 middle school students of Ggeum Namoo (Dream Tree)? Perhaps giving gifts to the BeNeSa (Lee Jun-seok’s company) students may be more effective than giving the gifts to the (Saenuri Party’s Emergency) Committee Member Lee Jun-seok.”
“Our family members treat committee member Lee Jun-seok so well that he wants to come to Daejeon often these days. It’s now only a matter of time before (Lee) drags VIP president (Park Geun-hye) down here.”

By providing bribery to various politicians and those in power, Kim expected to gain wealth, fame, and power. Here he specifically mentions Lee Jun-seok. Kim stated:
“Yes, after they met our family members, our projects are developing by leaps and bounds and going smoothly^^ I expected us in 2013 to be going on a road of struggle without support, but now it is like the road is being opened with a bulldozer. The duration of national assembly representatives are 4 years and for the president, 5 years, but for our family, it’s forever. If our political group arrives, then we certainly will get the wealth/fame/power that no one else can challenge. On August 15 (Thu), committee member Lee Jun-seok is scheduled to come to Daejeon and stay overnight. Family members, please arrange for his lodging. Thank you.”
Lee Jun-seok sued the YouTube Channel that exposed the information in the Court Document
Shortly afterward uncovering the bribery on December 27 and 28, 2021, Garosero Yeonguso and Jayu Daehan HogukDan (Team to Defend Free Korea, 자유대한호국단), an NGO, filed complaints against Lee Jun-seok on December 30, and they were passed on to the Seoul Metropolitan Police for investigation.
Lee Jun-seok stated that he was not investigated for the sexual bribery, and sued GaSeYeon for defamation for “false” information. (2:33) The sex bribe information, however, was directly from the court documents.
Tampering with the Evidence
In late March 2022, GaSeYeon revealed Lee Jun-seok’s efforts to tamper with the evidence by creating a fake statement. Shortly after GaSeYeon’s expose on December 27, 2021, Lee Jun-seok, the leader of PPP, asked Jang for help and sent his close aide to Daejeon to meet Jang to get a fake statement from Jang in return for money.
At 10:51 p.m. on December 27, 2021, Lee Jun-seok and Jang spoke on the phone. (43:10) Lee, who by this time was the PPP leader, pleaded for help. (43:59) Lee asked if he can send someone to meet Jang, who was in the city of Daejeon, and Jang agreed. Less than an hour later at 11:51 p.m., Jang received a phone call from Kim Cheol-geun (김철근), Lee Jun-seok’s chief of political affairs, who stated that he is on his way to Daejeon. Kim arrived in Daejeon and checked into the Yuseong Hotel at 1:50 a.m. on December 28, 2021. At the hotel where they met, Kim asked Jang to write a statement denying he provided sex bribes to Lee jun-seok in exchange for ₩700,000,000 (~$600,000), which would be provided not directly, but in the form of an investment to a company that Jang designated. (44:33) The money was agreed to be invested to Lee Dong-gyu Clinic in Daejeon, and Kim wrote an “IOU” note, promising to provide ₩700,000,000 to be invested in the clinic.

Thus, Jang wrote him a false statement and on January 14, 2022, Kim submitted Jang’s statement (received for a promise of a payoff) to the Anti-Corruption / Public Official Crimes Department of the Seoul Metropolitan Police, which was in charge of investigating the case. (47:39) While there was a question as to the statute of limitations on the sexual bribes given to Lee Jun-seok in 2013, the efforts to bury the evidence occurred this year, so the statute of limitation does not apply to witness tampering.
The “compensation through investment” scheme was already discussed in 2019. During a phone conversation between Lee Jun-seok and Jang on May 10, 2019, 6:08 p.m., when Jang asked for the return of the money he spent on services and gifts for Lee Jun-seok, Lee proposed providing the money via investment into a company of Jang’s choice. (1:00)
All these phone conversations were recorded by Jang and provided to GaSeYeon.
Phone conversation recordings
Various phone call recordings between Jang and Lee Jun-seok or his representatives from different times were put together below. It shows nervous Lee being incoherent and repeating words. The translated transcription below shows words being out of order or repeating, which are not translation errors.
May 10, 2019, 6:08 p.m.
Jang: Honestly, shouldn’t I get back the alcohol expenses or the amount for BeNeSa (the name of Lee’s company, when the make-up gift sets were sent to BeNeSa).
Lee Jun-seok: Oh yes, that…
Jang: Honestly, shouldn’t it be?
Lee: Yes, that, I, then, I too, then, you told me so I that (honorific) Mr. board member arranged that and sent…was the first time I found out then.
Jang: I did all the provision of services, I did it all, but…
Lee: To be honest with you, as you said the last time about that, really, sending gifts to the, the BeNeSa kids were really yours (honorfic)…when I heard, I was really surprised. So I was really surprised to hear that, I was. First of all, I was greatly again, a bit, a lot, disappointed at the…Kim Seong-min, who didn’t tell me that, didn’t tell me at that time, and I have a really, really, really sorry feeling toward you, even, because of that, in any case…
Jang: Isn’t there any way (to pay me back)?
Lee: So I told you the last time too, but if you’re, uh, going to have a good business and whether you will invest (in it), if there’s capacity, I would of course suggest it, I would.
Jang: Can I talk to those people, and provide services to those people, and do that to those people?
Lee: Aigu (a word used to express a deep concern)
Lee: There’s nothing you said that I don’t agree or believe.

2021-12-27, 10:51 p.m. Recording between Lee Jun-seok and Jang
Lee: Yes, Mr. Jang. Yes, Mr. Jang. Yes. Then among what they said, what’s the context of what they said that is backed up (by facts)? They are saying something like “recordings.” What are they?
Jang: It’s probably other people’s recordings.
Lee: What?
Jang: Other people’s recordings. They’re not my recordings.
Lee: Mr. Jang, then I know where are you now?
Jang: Deajeon, of course.
Lee: If I send someone to Daejeon, can you meet him?
Jang: Of course.
Lee: Then what is this investigative report, then?
Jang: What?
Lee: What is this investigation report. (GaSeYeon mentioning) investigation report, Daejeon District Prosecutor, blah blah.
Jang: Oh that. Kim Seong-jin revealed all (the contents) of Kakaotalk (a messaging app) in the past when he was arrested.
Lee: Yes, yes.
Jang: He revealed all the Kakaotalk, and I and Kim Cheol-ho ran toward it.
Lee: Yes.
Jang: You didn’t know that, right?
Lee: No, I didn’t know.
Jang: Now, things were difficult then, so I went to you to tell you, didn’t I?
Lee: Yes, yes.
Jang: Actually, when I told you that the reporters called me, it was true.
Lee: Yes, yes.
Jang: But despite that (reporters calling Jang), you didn’t help. You pretended to not know.
Lee: Yes, yes. Mr. Jang, then tomorrow, I’ll send someone to Daejeon.
Jang: OK, yes.

2021-12-27, 11:41 p.m. Phone Call between Kim Cheol-geun and Jang
Jang: Hello?
Kim Cheol-geun: Yes, President Jang (honorific), how are you? I’m Kim Cheol-geun, with (party) leader Lee Jun-seok. I’m on my way to Daejeon to meet you. If I go, can I meet you?
Jang: Of course we should meet.
Kim: ( nervous laugh)
Jang: (response laugh) I know who you are, chief Kim Cheol-geun (chief of political affairs for Lee Jun-seok as the party leader)
Kim: Yes, it is.
2022-12-28, 01:33, Kim arrived in Daejeon
Jang: Hello?
Kim Cheol-geun: Yes, I passed the toll gate.
Jang: Which toll gate?
Kim: Daejeon. Daejeon.
Jang: Oh, you went through the Daejeon toll gate, not Yuseong toll gate?
Kim: Am I in Yuseong? I’m going toward Yuseong. If you can give me the address…
Jang: Put Yuseong Tourist Hotel (in GPS).
2022-12-28, 01:50
Kim Cheol-geun: I arrived at the tourist hotel.
2022-12-28, 01:55
Jang: Where are you?
Kim Cheol-geun: Come up to the 6th floor.
Jang: Oh, you’re already on the 6th floor?
Kim: Yes, I need to get a room.
2022-12-28, 03:06
Jang: Please make sure to pass on to (party) leader Lee Jun-seok that my feelings were hurt. I sought him because it was a difficult time for me then, but I was hurt (by Lee ignoring him).
Kim Cheol-geun: Yes.
Jang: And what about the thing that I did for (the gifts for) BeNeSa? How should we handle that?
Kim: That…
Jang: Can write something showing it was returned, working out the dates, and bring it back to me.
Kim: You mean, write a receipt and we keep it?
Jang: Yes, make a receipt showing it returned on that date, stating it was cash.
Kim: Yes, as a result…
Jang: Yes, it should be done that way
Kim: So do it that way and should we give it (the fake receipt) to you or keep it?
Jang: What? Make 2 copies and keep (one).
Kim: 1 each?
Jang: Yes, 1 each.
Kim: Then we should have written out (the receipts) today.
Jang: Then write them out now, if you want.
Kim: Since it’s hard for us to come back to Daejeon again. What do you think? By the way, what is the amount?
Jang: About ₩13,000,000 (~$11,000)
Kim: ₩13,000,000?
Jang: Yes.
Kim: Then (thinking) (it would appear) as if it were returned?
Jang: Of course, as if it were returned.
Kim: Yes.
Jang: Yes.
Jang’s recording about Jang providing sexual bribery to Lee Jun-seok (6:18), exposed on 2022-12-29 by GaSeYeon 7 pm program
Jang: I have something on Lee Jun-seok.
Jang: I arranged for him to have sex at Yuseong (Hotel) twice.
2021-12-29, 8:10 p.m., a phone call between Kim Cheol-geun and Jang
Jang: All he has to is to keep his promise to repay the favor.
Kim Cheol-geun: OK, I understand.
Jang: (party) leader Lee (Jun-seok) behaved not so nicely (ignored and did not help) in the past.
Kim: Oh, anyway, I’ll guarantee it.
Jang: In 2018 or 2017, or was it 2018? Or even in 2019 when I went there, when I was in trouble, (he) considered me beneath him.
2021-12-29, 9:22 p.m., phone call between Kim Cheol-geun and Jang
Kim Cheol-geun: If you can really speak with restraint, should I introduce/send you a journalist from Chosun Ilbo?
Jang: Sure, if so, I must say it. That’s the proper way to respond (to me).
Kim: So tell the press that you’ll reveal everything and completely kill off that thing from there (GaSeYeon’s expose about Lee Jun-seok’s sex bribery scandal).
2022-1-10, 9:11 a.m. Kim Cheol-gun goes to Daejeon to meet Jang again.
Jang: Hello?
Kim: Yes, it’s Kim Cheol-geun.
Jang: Where are you now today? Daejeon or Seoul?
Kim: In Daejeon.
Jang: I’d like to meet you this morning.
Kim: Is there something wrong?
Jang: No, I’ll tell you when I get there.
2022-1-10, 11:24 a.m.
Kim Cheol-geun: Yes, I just got off at the West Daejeon station.
Jang: Ah, yes.
Kim: Where should I go?
Jang: In Doonsandong, there’s Art Nouveau Palace in front of the City Hall. Come up to the 2nd floor to Lee Dong-gyu Dermatology Clinic.
Kim Cheol-geun asked for and received Jang’s false written statement denying that Lee Jun-seok received sexual favor. In exchange, Kim wrote a promissory note stating ₩7,000,000 will be invested in Lee Dong-gyu Clinic.
2022-1-12, 4:37 p.m. Phone conversation between Kim Yeon-gi (Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer) and Jang.
Jang: Who is this?
Kim Yeon-gi: Ah, I’m lawyer Kim Yeong-gi.
Jang: Who?
Kim Yeon-gi: I’m (party) leader Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer working on his case.
Jang: OK.
Kim: You can verify me through Chief Kim Cheol-geun.
Jang: Yes.
Kim: You wrote a statement, right?
Jang: Yes.
Kim: So I called you to ask you some questions. Is that all right? I’d like to verify something and what, that, and, in reality, now, all, the, anyway, that you’re not, not telling others that you’re talking to me, first of all, right?
Jang: Of course.
Kim: Yes, and, first, since you wrote and gave us this statement, so…
Jang: Yes.
Kim: Ok, I got it. If you get investigated later, consult with me prior to that and…
Jang: I’m only going to say this, Mr. lawyer. You’re trying to give me a sheet of precise answers for the anticipated questions, but…
Kim: I’m believing that the content of the statement is true and will submit an opinion based on that.
Jang: Of course. Just say that. Just tell, who is it, the Chief of Political Affairs and them. I’ll be loyal, so ask them to be loyal too.
Kim: OK.
(2022-1-14: Jang’s statement written on brought back by Kim Cheol-geun, with Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer’s opinion attached, is submitted to the police. (10:26) This is to deny that Lee Jun-seok received sexual favors as a bribe.)
2022-2-16: Jang had not received the promised ₩7,000,000 investment, so he called Kim Cheol-geun (11:45)
Kim Cheol-geun: Yes.
Jang: What kind of call lasted that long? (Your phone was busy for a long time).
Kim: Anyway, it looks like I need to get your understanding… (the formality is gone and the tone has changed)
Jang: What kind of understanding? But I already told them (about the investment coming in). The doctor is also waiting. Since your words are like law.
Kim: Anyway, give me some time.
Jang: OK, please try to do it this month.
Kim: OK, I’ll try. Anyway (curt)
Jang: OK.
2022-3-11, Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer Kim Yeon-gi and Jang
Jang: Hello?
Kim Yeon-gi: Yes.
Jang: I got a call.
Kim: From where?
Jang: from Mapo (district in Seoul) (police)
Kim: Oh, they want to question the witness.
Jang: Yes, the anti-corruption department (of the police) wants me to go there.
Kim: When it comes to July 11 (2013), just tell them that you didn’t meet (Lee) at all.
Jang: Yes, yes.
Kim: So for July 11, say you didn’t meet (Lee) at all. And August 15 (2013) becomes the problem. So for August 15, like you wrote in your statement, say the two drank a lot of alcohol at Amadeus. Drank a lot, about 2-3 bottles of distilled alcohol.
Jang: Yes.
Kim: And (say) you don’t know exactly how much (alcohol) since I’m not ?.
Jang: Yes, yes.
Kim: Next, say it was not at the Riviera Hotel, but you took him directly to Yuseong Hotel, to Yuseong Hotel, to Yuseong Hotel, and you, then, you, just put that (one) to sleep. How much was the lodging cost?
Jang: What?
Kim: Lodging cost. Lodging cost.
Jang: The lodging cost, since it was a suite, was probably about W230,000 then.
Kim: So say that. That’s all you have to do.
Jang: I understand. If they ask for my mobile phone, what if, what if…
Kim: They won’t ask for a mobile phone from a witness. There’s no reason for you to be turned (into the accused.)
Jang: But the sex…, I mean, that
Kim: Can’t (be charged with providing sexual bribes), because the statute of limitation expired.
Jang: that I provided…
Kim: (already said) can’t, because the statute of limitation expired. It doesn’t matter. If they threaten you to provide…that shouldn’t be possible, since there’s a new government administration, that shouldn’t happen, then say “why should I?” and say you want a lawyer, and say “what are you doing?” That should do it. I know the going mood there at Mapo (police station) well. They’re (the police are) intimidated (because Lee Jun-seok is the leader of the ruling People Power Party), so just relax. I too, I too, can’t (connect) directly with the leader (Lee), but will tell that side for the time being.
Jang: Yes, yes, I understand.
2022-3-28, Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer Kim Yeon-gi and Jang talk to plan for a meeting
Kim: Tomorrow we need to meet. We should meet first for drinks somewhere quiet.
Jang: Yes, I’ll go to Suwon.
Kim: OK, I’ll try to reserve a good place.
2022-3-29, 1: 50 p.m. Lee Jun-seok’s lawyer Kim Yeon-gi and Jang meet in Suwon
Jang: I tested positive (for virus).
Kim: Then you contact the police, since I can’t contact the police.
Jang: Ok, I’ll call and delay.
Kim: Yes, delay. And make sure you meet me.
Jang: What?
Kim: You have to meet me before you (go to the police) for questioning.
Jang: OK.
2022-3-29, 5:46 p.m.
Kim: So the PCR (test). We agreed to delay (going to the police), right?
Jang: Yes.
Kim: So there’s no additional investigation scheduled next, right?
Jang: Yes.
Kim: Even if you haven’t yet set up another date (delayed date) for questioning…I know their (police’s) internal situation, because (someone) told me…so I’ll tell you in detail (when we meet), so once you get better, please contact me.
Jang: OK.
2013-7-11: Lee Jun-seok received Jupiter Room Salon service and sex bribe
2013-8-15: Lee Jun-seok received Jupiter Room Salon service and sex bribe
2019-5-10: Lee Jun-seok suggests investment as a payoff for the gifts and services (including sex bribes) received
2021-12-27, 7 p.m. news: GaSeYeon exposed Lee Jun-seok receiving sexual favor per investigative reports and court trial documents
2021-12-27, 10:51 p.m.: Lee Jun-seok asked Jang in a phone conversation if he can send someone to Daejeon to talk to Jang
2021-12-27, 11:41 p.m.: Lee Jun-seok’s aide Kim Cheol-geun called Jang to say he is on his way.
2022-12-28, 01:50 arrives at Yueong Tourist Hotel in Daejeon and met Jang to discuss obstructing evidence.
2022-1-14: Jang’s new written statement in exchange for money was brought back by Kim Cheol-geun, with lee Jun-seok’s lawyer’s opinion attached, and was submitted to the police. This is to deny that Lee Jun-seok received sexual favors as a bribe.
Public Opinion
According to a poll released on June 22, 2022, the majority said Lee Jun-seok did his job poorly. 55.2% said Lee Jun-seok did his job badly, while 42.7% said he did his job well. In the former category, it was 34.6% (did job very badly) and 20.6% (did job somewhat badly), while in the latter category, it was 19.7% (did job very well) and 23% (did job somewhat well). (1:26)
The negative answer was mostly from conservatives at 60.9%. When asked if Lee Jun-seok as the party leader helps or not help President Yoon Seok-youl carrying out his duties, 50.8% said Lee is a burden, while 36.8% said he helps. (2:20) Among the conservatives, those who said Lee is a burden was 65.1%.
In early 2021, Lee Jun-seok stated that if Yoo Seok-youl became the president, then he would “leave earth.” Lee also said his role is to make Yoo Seung-min the president and said he plans to take over the control of the party.
Netizens Responses (a sample):
“If they don’t seriously punish Lee Jun-seok, I won’t vote for PPP.”
“Lee Jun-seok should be expelled.”
“PPP’s lawmakers who are defending Lee Jun-seok must wake up. The people are not stupid.”
“Lee Jun-seok’s greed by trying unscrupulously to stay on is making a lot of people’s lives miserable.”
“He is no longer the representative of those in their 20s and 30s; (he is) suspected of sexual bribery. By contrast, if those in their 20s and 30s become aware, they will grind their teeth with vexation.”
“Even the Left is protecting Jun-seok”
Parting quote:
“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
All the evidences of sex scandal are so clear but PPP is hesitant to expel J. Lee.
Dirty politicians all over the Korea parliament.