Former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn Feels Threatened for Speaking Out about Election Fraud in Korea
2022-1-26, Tara O
Hwang Kyo-ahn, former prime minister, acting president, and the leader of the Future United Party (미래통합당), posted on social media with a video that he will absolutely NOT commit suicide. In the last several years, a few dozens of mysterious deaths of high-profile figures or officials related to major scandals occurred. The majority of them were quickly labeled as “suicides” without forensic analysis and quickly cremated, with no investigations. These unexplained deaths gave rise to the term “got suicided.” Thus, some have taken to social media to post that they will absolutely not commit suicide. What they are implying is that if they are found dead, it would be a murder, not a suicide. Within the last month or two alone, there were four deaths related to Daejangdong Gate / Hwacheon Daeyu, a scandal related to the ruling Democratic Party of Korea’s presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung. Hwang also pointed this out in his post.

This is what Hwang Kyo-ahn posted on January 24, 2022:
<I will absolutely not commit suicide>
I will absolutely not commit suicide.
I will risk my life to prevent fraudulent elections.
Already, 4 people related toDaejangdon Gate lost their lives.
I also feel being surveilled.
I’m working so hard to prevent fraudulent elections. Wouldn’t they target me?
If anything happens to me or my family, I implore everyone to make sure to reveal the truth.
Hwang Kyo-ahn
Hwang was also a presidential candidate for the People Power Party (국민의힘당), which was formed from the merger of the Future United Party (merger of Liberty Korea Party and Correct Future Party), New Conservative Party, and Onward for the Future 4.0 Party. He made it to the second round (selection of 8 candidates). His key point during the campaign was to highlight the court evidence of election fraud and to warn of election fraud in future elections, if no changes are made to the election system and process.
Dr. Gong Byung-ho was concerned about Hwang’s posting, since he believed that Hwang would not post such a topic without sensing a threat.
Some Netizen comments:
All our citizens should vote on the same day for the March 9 (2022) elections, and must fold the ballots multiple times in order to prevent fraudulent elections.
The citizens must protect the Republic of Korea that is a liberal democracy…with same day voting.
I wish other lawmakers would join in. It really helps us that you have firm determination…We must prevent all election fraud this time too.
How did this country become a place where revealing the truth became so difficult? Hon. Hwang Kyo-ahn, you’re great! God will be with you…
황교안 전도사님 is a worthy Korean gentleman, a credit to government administration in less fraught times, perhaps. It is fearful to think that what must now be done in the environs of the 청와대 probably requires a much less pleasant personality. Glad to hear he’s still out there doing his part.
It has been said that just avoiding 이재명 as the next occupant of the 청와대 is not enough for confronting the atheist tyranny besetting people north of the 림진강, for the likely policies of a 윤석열 administration are no improvement in some respects. It has also been said that differences between 문재인 and 이재명 are such that the current incumbent might expect prosecution from his 민주당 successor, if such came to be. If that is so, why? And, if there are such differences, then how came 이재명 to be his party’s presidential candidate? Is the 민주당 riven by factions based on patronage (and otherwise united in ideology)? Or are there serious ideological differences?
Thank you for keeping your ear to the rails so as to judge the traffic passing over them!