Boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics! A Statement by China Out!
2021-12-8, Statement by China Out!

Boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics!
On December 6, 2021, the United States government announced no diplomatic or official delegation would be sent to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics due to the continued genocidal activities and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang as well as other various human rights abuses. We, the patriotic citizens of the Republic of Korea, together with the rest of the world that respects freedom and human rights, sincerely welcome this decision by the US government.
Following the US, New Zealand also announced diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics. All of the other countries in the free world, including the UK, EU member states, Canada, Australia and Japan, will follow the US and join this brave march to condemn the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The CCP, since its establishment a century ago, has committed countless crimes. To name a few cases, since the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, tens of millions of people were brutally murdered through the so-called Land Reform Movement, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Hundreds of millions more have been driven to misery, suffering and rage.
As noted by the UN Human Rights Council, the CCP has recently been brutalizing the Uighurs in Xinjiang to obliterate the Uighur nation itself. Over a million Uighurs are locked up in concentration camps where they are put to forced labor. Uighur families are being separated, women are forced to abort their babies and marry Han Chinese, with religion and tradition being oppressed so as to erase the Uighur people’s identity.
Against Hong Kong, where “One Country, Two Systems” was promised, freedom and human rights were brutally trampled upon in the name of National Security Law. Against the Republic of China, frequent military provocations and threats of war continue. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Falun Gong have been mercilessly persecuted as countless believers are being arrested, detained and tortured. More often than not, people are killed so their organs can be harvested and transplanted.
In addition to extorting and suppressing their own people, the CCP is thieving, spying and bullying other nations. They’ve created artificial islands by pouring concrete on coral reefs, claiming ownership of the territory. The CCP has infiltrated the waters of other nations with pirates, again claiming ownership. Along with their frequent intimidation of neighboring countries, the go-to line by the CCP is “small nations should not fight big nations.”
The CCP has again managed to host the Olympic Games in an attempt to hide its atrocities and gain international recognition as a “normal state.” However, before the opening ceremony on February 4th 2022, the CCP has exposed its own true nature by “disappearing” Peng Shuai, a world class tennis player. Peng Shuai bravely revealed that she was sexually assaulted by Zhang Gaoli, a former member of the Politburo Standing Committee and one of the most senior officials of the CCP. The Party immediately imprisoned her.
When the international community and the tennis world demanded to know the whereabouts of Peng Shuai, the CCP staged an event to show she was safe. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) played a role as a puppet in this theater organized by the CCP – a clear manifestation of just how corrupt the Olympics have become.
The Olympic spirit is to elevate human values through sports and to transcend cultural and national boundaries through friendship and fair play with the aim of contributing to a more peaceful, better world. However, the Beijing Winter Olympics have become a means for the CCP to hide and justify its evil deeds and dictatorship.
The fact that the CCP is hosting the Olympic Games is an insult to the Olympic spirit and a challenge against humanity. The CCP, rather than elevating human values and contributing to world peace, is at the forefront of human rights violations and threatening peace. The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is a ploy to brush the crimes of the CCP under the carpet and put a laurel wreath on their head. This is no different from awarding Hitler and Stalin with the Nobel Peace Prize.
China Out! demands this: the Republic of Korea government must actively participate in the Beijing Olympic boycott. Summoning Kim Jong Un to the Games and putting on a fake show of peace to influence the 2022 Presidential elections is a delusion that must be abandoned. Not only is this delusion unlikely to materialize, but even if it were to happen, the Korean people will not be fooled.
The Olympic Games began as a movement to promote the noble idea of international friendship and world peace through sports. The movement is now facing a crisis. The Beijing Winter Olympics, hosted by the CCP – the most evil and corrupt dictatorship to ever exist – is the apex of this crisis. It is now time to put the Olympic Games back on the right path, and boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics is the first step of the journey.
2021.12. 8.
China Out!
Alliance of Korean High School Alumni for National Security/ Freedom Forum