Professors: August 15th Declaration of Constitutional Protection, Restoration of People’s Sovereignty, and Confluence with New Civilization
2020-8-15, Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom and Justice

The 3rd Proclamation of the Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom and Justice, Republic of Korea
August 15th Declaration of Constitutional Protection, Restoration of People’s Sovereignty, and Confluence with New Civilization
On August 15, 2020, on the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Korea, the 6,200 members of the Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom and Justice (“PFJ”) seeking the protection of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and the realization of freedom, truth, and justice values, present the third Proclamation with the treasured heart of patriotism.
We have already nailed the citizens’ victory by leading their opposition to the appointment of Minister of Justice Cho Kuk suspected of wrongdoings and crimes in the First Proclamation (2019.9.19), and in the Second Proclamation (2020.1.15), we confirmed the systemic crisis caused by economic, diplomatic, and security disruptions, followed by the initiation of citizens’ movement for protection of freedom through the Declaration of the 2nd Independence for the Free Republic of Korea (2020.3.1) on the 101st Anniversary of the 1919 Independence Movement.
In the face of the national crisis and the destruction of the democratic system, accusing again the tyranny of anti-sovereignty, anti-constitutional, and anti-civilization acts by the Moon Jae-in regime, we declare before all the people and allies at home and abroad, recognizing the cause of the restoration of sovereignty of the People of the Republic of Korea, the cause of protection of the constitution and confluence with the new civilization, and our sacred and urgent responsibility for championing such cause, as follows:
1. President Moon Jae-in declared in his inauguration to create a world never experienced before, but under the Moon’s regime, there is no doubt that the Republic of Korea is falling into an abnormal, anti-civilization dystopia, a country of falsehood, incitement, dictatorship, incompetence, and corruption that the Korean people has never experienced, instead of a utopia of more freedom, even equality, and higher prosperity.
2. With the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in regime, the government has created and expressed the concept of sovereign democracy and generative power. This has turned out to be an announcement of the transition to a so-called total control leadership system that will create new powers beyond the mandated authority and use that power as a ground for expansion of its own power base. The sovereign democracy, ruled by generative power, is not a pluralistic liberal democracy, but merely a rhetorical variation of totalitarianism with ultra-nationalism.
3. Moon Jae-in was determined to be the president in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, and took the oath of defending the Constitution. Despite this, it is himself that has thrown away the constitutional legitimacy of the free Republic of Korea by adopting the ultra-constitutional notion of generative power. Over the past three years and three months, Moon Jae-in has reigned over the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, made the administration a maid of the Blue House staff, and carried out a “totalitarian tyranny” that ignored the division of powers based on the rule of law, paralyzing Republic of Korea’s constitutionalism and rule of law, which has resulted in a complete abuse of people’s freedom and sovereignty.
4. In addition to being politically positioned under Moon’s totalitarian ideological dictatorship, the Republic of Korea today is subject to a “predatory political faction” and its vested interest cartel of the anti-free and anti-rule of law spirit that the ruling political powers in the ruling party and the executive branch has established in collaboration with so-called progressive forces covering the judiciary, media, labor, education, culture, and several regions. They are using the tool of conspiracy and incitement to mobilize people in order to criminally monopolize economic and political interests through corruption. This beginning of vulgar “corrupt community” of their own means an end of justice and the rule of law in our society.
5. The predatory faction politics of the Moon’s regime led to the brainwashing education of ideological bias and to the overuse of divisive social policies. The Korean Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union has distorted the history and social consciousness of the youth generation through ideologically biased education, and has transformed secondary education into a field of nurturing favorable voting constituency under the name of democratic civic education. The selective justice revealed in the incident of transforming massive irregular workers to regular workers by the Incheon International Airport Corporation, and the difficulties of real estate policy due to excessive intervention in the real estate market, are trampling on the rights and self-esteem of future generations by the Moon’s wrong policies. On the other hand, although sex crimes by high-level leaders of the ruling faction occurred in a series of scandals, Moon Jae-in and the 586 forces mobilized their supporters to reduce or glorify such scandals, turning the gender issue into a tool of political incitement. Ignoring the reality of the medical community, the supply expansion policy has destroyed the public health care system, destroyed the health care situation, and self-imposed severe supply and demand imbalances in the age of high-tech healthcare. We accuse the regime of being hypocritical and totalitarian corrupt privileged who takes any means and methods for their political interests and ideological supremacy, and who seizes the interests of future generations and fills their interests while destroying the social and economic system.
6. We deplore that constitutionalism and pluralistic democracy based on the separation of powers have fallen into a state of empty life by the passage of the Act on Establishment and Operation of the Office for the Investigation of High-level Public Official Crimes [Gongsoocheo], which was illegally carried out by the Moon’s regime, by making the judiciary and prosecutors servile to political powers, and by making the National Assembly a simple passing organ. We submit that Korean people are generally upset by such actions as paralyzing congressional checks and controls as seen in the process of ruling party’s composition of the 21st National Assembly standing committees without making consensus with the opposition party, and with relevant procedures ignored. We accuse the Moon’s regime murdering the liberal democracy of the Republic of Korea by foretelling anti-democratic legislations, such as the Anti-Discrimination Act and Anti-Historical Distortion Act. We also warn justices of the constitutional court, who are delaying judgment on the unconstitutionality of such basic laws as the Act on Establishment and Operation of the Office for the Investigation of High-level Public Official Crimes, not to become shameful jurists and sinners of history.
7. We accuse the united regime of Moon’s faction and 586 NL [National Liberation] self-reliance sect of trying to establish a totalitarian triangular system of China, North Korea, and South Korea in Northeast Asia by combining it with North Korea’s totalitarianism and China’s digital totalitarianism through domestic policies centered on anti-free Republic of Korea’s pro-North Korea and pro-China lines. Just as the United States has recently defined the totalitarian provocation of the Chinese Communist Party as a Frankenstein monster, the pro-totalitarian policy of the Moon Jae-in regime should be warned as a historical crime to break down the value alliance with liberal democracy inside Korea and with the United States externally. The 21st century countries with new civilization, which have redefined reciprocal sovereignty, universal human rights, and free markets, will defeat China’s hegemonic provocations of digital totalitarianism, and we can never fall into an anti-civilized barbarian and dark slavery society as a reactive pro-totalitarian path. As a member of the 21st century new civilization world, the Republic of Korea will defend the front line of civilization and become a wave of freedom to liberate North Korea and disrupt the hegemony of the Chinese Communist Party, creating a wave of East Asian liberalization.
As such, each member of the Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom and Justice determines, together with all the sovereign citizens of the Free Republic of Korea, defining the anti-constitutional, anti-sovereign, and anti-civilized tyranny of the Moon Jae-in regime as irreversible crimes of history, reaffirming that they will continue to be at the forefront of the struggle of truth and justice in order to protect the constitution of liberal democracy, restore national sovereignty, and secure confluence and prosperity with the new civilization, as follows:
One. We will initiate the coalition of the Republic of Korea’s liberal democratic camp against the dictatorship of totalitarianism, and lead the struggle for freedom, truth, and justice. We will cooperate in restoring the Republic of Korea’s democratic constitution by reprimanding and encouraging opposition parties that have been engulfed in division and lethargy, and will join and sponsor various free-citizens movements to drive the defeat of the hypocritical leftist faction. In addition, as a responsible intellectual group of Korean society, we will re-establish the ladder for the next generation, such as students and young people, which have been cleverly broken by the hypocrisy class, and find our reward with future generations by supporting and protecting them to become the creative protagonists of tomorrow that will contribute to the melting of generations, nations, and the world.
One. In the event that public suspicions about the illegality and misconduct of the 4.15 general election have been raised and large-scale court proceedings have been filed, the Central Election Commission is circumventing its obligation to resolve public suspicions, and the Supreme Court is decimating its noble authority as a constitutional institution by ordering limited evidence preservation and delaying infinitely in recounts. Both agencies are urged to immediately return to their duties. In connection with the public allegations of misconduct in the general election, we will trace the full facts of election fraud, as well as the facts that are already revealed, to the end with free citizens, and will put criminals and perpetrators of the rule of law to the judiciary of history. Therefore, we will take the lead in rebuilding the foundations of a democratic state so that the principles of people’s sovereignty and fair elections are not undermined.
One. In order to impede the constitutional destruction, the legislative dictatorship, and the change of social system by the Moon Jae-in regime, the People’s Archives for Legal Affairs will be established to find and record the responsibilities of unconstitutional crimes and their initiators and operators for the various legal instruments that the ruling Democratic Party of Korea will pour out, including the clearly constitutional destructive statutes, such as the Act on Establishment and Operation of the Office for the Investigation of High-level Public Official Crimes and the Election Act on Semi-Interlocking Proportional Representation System, to secure evidence that will be put on the court room in the future and in history. In addition, we declare that such responsibilities are not subject to the principle against retroactive application under the Constitution.
The serious nature of the sin and responsibility of their affairs will be determined by public debates whether it is unconstitutional and unlawful through the People’s Archives for Legal Affairs, which will be established within our PFJ so that we can contribute to the protection of the sovereignty and fundamental rights of the people.
One. We will stand together with righteous public servants and bureaucrats with principles. Therefore, we ask all public officials together with the people as follows: All public service must be transparent and fair, and public office should not be used as a supply channel of interest for those who benefit from the totalitarian regime. Reject all unconstitutional and unlawful instructions and do not follow instructions that are not done in writing. All instructions shall be recorded, and all the evidence shall be clearly written to prepare for the subsequent “indictment by the people.” The day will come when all public officials of the state, regardless of their status, will be held accountable for their choices made in this dire, dark time, and our PFJ will thoroughly prepare for that day with the people.
August 15th, 2020
The Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom and Justice, the Republic of Korea