“Korea Has Entered a State of Emergency”–The 5th Declaration on the Korean State of Affairs by Former Senior Officials of the Korean Foreign Service

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2019-8-26, Former Senior Officials of the Korean Foreign Service

“Korea Has Entered a State of Emergency”

On August 23, the Moon Jae-in Government announced its decision to withdraw from the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA).

The Japanese government strongly protested upon being informed, and the U.S. government also expressed its grave dismay.

The General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) is an instrument that ensures the effective operation of the Korea-U.S. alliance, and an indispensable fulcrum of the security cooperation between Korea, U.S. and Japan.

But following the Moon government’s such announcement, the trilateral security alliance has been rendered an empty shell, and serious deterrence appears to be inevitable in the smooth functioning of the Korea-U.S. alliance.

The Moon Jae-in government asserted that it had explained the background of their decision to the U.S., who reportedly understood why the decision was inevitable. But the U.S. government immediately rebuked this claim, calling it “a lie.” This statement alludes to the highest level of distrust in the history of the Korea-U.S. alliance.

This isn’t the first time the Moon government has misguided the U.S. government. President Trump was prompted to participate in the 2018 United States-North Korea Singapore Summit after he was informed that Kim Jong-un was willing to consider denuclearization, when in reality, the North had no such intentions.

Then there are “the April 27 Panmunjom Declaration”, “September 19  Pyongyang Declaration” and “the South-North Military Agreement” which were issued without prior consultation with our ally, U.S., thus incurring their immediate opposition.

The Moon government hasn’t been so keen on sanctions placed against the North either, which have been imposed by the international community including the U.S., Japan, and the EU. On the contrary, it has constantly acted as a stumbling block, arousing suspicions that it may be supplying the North with strategic goods and thus generating distrust from not only our ally, the U.S., but the international community as a whole.

As for our relations with Japan, our two states are now on the verge of belligerency after the Moon government violated or terminated the 1965 Claims Settlement Agreement, the 2015 Korea-Japan ‘Comfort Women’ Agreement, and most recently, the 2016 GSOMIA. The termination of GSOMIA and the violation of the Treaty on Basic Relations between the Republic of Korea and Japan will undoubtedly undermine the cooperative relations among Korea, the U.S. and Japan, and cripple the Korea-U.S. alliance. It also suggests Korea is deviating from the U.S.-led order, which has served as a foundation for international security, free trade and prosperity since the end of the Second World War.

When Chinese and Russian aircrafts overflew the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) without prior notification and intruded our territorial airspace, the Moon government failed to take appropriate measures.

Now we sit completely marginalized by our allies and besieged by China, Russia, and their ally North Korea: this is clearly a state of national emergency.

The Moon government’s actions to date have been suggesting at a possible withdrawal from the Korea-U.S.-Japan trilateral cooperation.

This reveals the Government’s true intention to turn against civilization and join the coalition of China, Russia, and North Korea, an orientation which runs counter to the path of modernization that is founded upon the values like freedom, democracy, market economy and prosperity, which we have been pursuing for the past 70 years. Instead, the Government has chosen to retrogress to anachronistic and uncivilized tribalism.

The global order of today is already undergoing transformations under the struggles of two forces, namely the civilized and the uncivilized: The former are the U.S. and the Free World, who pursue happiness and prosperity, and are founded on freedom and dignity of individuals, free trade and market economy. The latter are the few Communist powers and dictatorships challenging the former, destroying civilization, and seeking supremacy.

Should the Korea-U.S. alliance collapse and Korea fails to join the many U.S.-led global strategies, we will be absorbed by the anti-civilization forces led by China, Russia and North Korea. And that will result in the dissolution of free democracy in South Korea, which we have proudly defended for 70 years.

With regard to Korea’s violation of the UN Security Council (UNSC) sanctions on North Korea, the U.S. and Japan are now no longer able to disregard the other members of the UN in postponing their countermeasures on us. From an economic perspective, should the U.S., Japan and other countries start imposing financial sanctions on Korea, our trade activities will be greatly diminished and we will suffer a great economic blow.

The Republic of Korea was founded on August 15, 1948 upon the principles of free democracy, market economy and the rule of law. Ever since then, for these past 70 years, we have achieved a most miraculous success that the world now envies. And all this was possible thanks to the tremendous assistance from the two axes of Korea-U.S. alliance and Korea-Japan cooperation.

Many distinguished futurists have predicted that Korea will go onto becoming one of the leading countries in the world in the not-too-distant future, if it can continue this exemplary pace for success.
However, the situation has changed completely ever since the Moon Jae-in government came into power.

The Moon government has been erasing one by one, the unprecedented success we have achieved over these past 70 years.

Instead, it has been hailing the despotic ways of the Kim dynasty, which has continued for three generations by turning its 24 million people into starving slaves.

The Moon Government’s introduction is the direct cause of the current state emergency we face.

Our 52 million people are no different to the passengers of a hijacked plane. If the hijacker will not turn the plane back to its original position, the passengers must come together as one, break into the cockpit, and remove him – otherwise doom will be upon us.

Recognizing this state of emergency we are in, we, the former officials of the Korean Foreign Service, declare the following:

First, we strongly call for the immediate withdrawal of the decision to terminate the General Security of the Military Information Agreement between Korea and Japan (GSOMIA);

Second, we ask our fellow Koreans to join us in our determined efforts to bring down the pro-North Korean regime, by demanding the resignation of President Moon;

Third, we request that the governments of our allies, including the U.S. and Japan, to view the opinions of the Moon government and the public as separate, and urge right-minded representatives from civil societies to participate in reinforcing our ties with the U.S. and Japan.

Fourth, we pledge to bolster the Korea-U.S. relations and restore the trilateral Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation by working with our patriotic citizens toward the speedy replacement of the Moon government.

August 26, 2019

This declaration is endorsed by 70 former senior officials of the Korean Foreign Service (the roster is below in the Korean language section):

공선섭 권영진 김동연 김명배 김석우 김성득 김영기 김영철 김옥민 김옥주 김의식 김종록 김종만 김종열 김중근 김진만 김충경 김형대 노영우 도영석 명인세 민병석 박동순 박세규 박희주 배점철 배태수 변승국 서건이 송종환 양동칠 오영환 우종호 유병현 이경환 이상구 이석조 이인호 이정수 이재춘 이종칠 이창우 임대용 전순규 정동일 정순석 정영구 정영채 정진호 정화현 조갑동 조기일 조원일 진관섭 채원암 천인필 최기출 최동진 최배식 최승호 최양부 최영하 최  용 최조영 한재철 한철수 허리훈 현희강 홍승목 황길신 (총 70명)

나라사랑 전직외교관 모임 제5차 시국선언

