We Inveigh Against the Withdrawal from GSOMIA: KORGAD Statement
2019-8-24, Korean Retired Generals and Admirals Defending the Nation (KORGAD)

The South Korean government decided not to renew the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) on August 22, 2019. And it was a grave mistake. While the South has advanced geographic and human resources intelligence (HUMINT), Japan operates multiple reconnaissance satellites, ground surveillance radars, early warning aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft and Aegis-equipped ships and possesses superior submarine information and signals intelligence (SIGINT); thus, it is mutually beneficial for Seoul and Tokyo to share information on Pyongyang, thereby complementing each other’s information reliability. In particular, it is a matter of life and death for the South whose number one security mission is to be prepared against the North’s nuclear attacks to acquire precise information on North Korean missiles via the GSOMIA pact. Also, GSOMIA is a bridge for security cooperation between Seoul and Tokyo and a cornerstone of their three-way cooperation with Washington in the face of growing threats from Pyongyang, Beijing and Moscow as they step up military cooperation. The Moon administration contends that it can continue to share information via the Trilateral Information Sharing Arrangement (TISA), a separate deal signed by South Korea, the United States and Japan; however, that is nothing more than a blandishment that deceives the public since Seoul and Tokyo’s resentment towards each other has deepened.
The Moon administration brazenly carried out a self-inflicted act of abandoning the GSOMIA pact; its decision to scrap the intelligence-sharing agreement, at a time when Seoul and Tokyo desperately need to conduct security cooperation as they are both exposed to North Korean nuclear threats, not only ignores national interests and security but also dismantles the Republic of Korea (ROK)-U.S. alliance, thereby facilitating Pyongyang to employ the Koryo Federation system and achieve a socialist revolution. The Korean Retired Generals & Admirals Defending the Nation (KORGAD) sternly condemns the Moon administration that ended GSOMIA in spite of our strong opposition declared in the statement “We resolutely oppose the abrogation of the GSOMIA that will intensify Korea’s security isolation” for its unconstitutional monopoly of governance and demands the following:
First, the South Korean government must withdraw its decision to scrap the GSOMIA pact and take a prudent approach to diplomatically resolve the conflict with Japan. The Moon administration that willingly puts itself in a humiliating situation merely to continue its communication with Pyongyang should not engage in an emotional show-down with Tokyo, one of Seoul’s most important allies.
Second, the South Korean government must reveal its plan to address North Korean nuclear threats. The North has pursued advancement of nuclear and missile capabilities instead of denuclearization, thereby increasingly threatening the safety of South Korean people.
Nevertheless, the Moon administration continues to mislead the public by arguing that military tensions between the two Koreas have subsided and the North would shut down its nuclear program, while eliminating a basic means of security cooperation with Japan.
Third, the Moon administration contends that its decision to end GSOMIA does not impact the ROK-U.S. alliance. However, the Pentagon expressed strong concern and disappointment, and Mr. Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State, also said he was disappointed in South Korea’s decision. Washington’s unusually strong words demonstrate the fact that the Moon administration has ignored the Seoul-Washington alliance and deceived the people of South Korea; such brazen monopoly of governing power can no longer be tolerated. It is vital for Seoul to have security cooperation with Tokyo that provides the United Nations Command (UNC)–Rear in case of emergency on the Korean peninsula. Is the Moon administration that continues to deteriorate Seoul’s relations with Washington and Tokyo an abettor or a cooperator of the unification of the Korean peninsula under communism? We are demanding the answer in the name of the people.
The most important responsibility the President holds is to protect the citizens’ lives and assets from external threats. If the Moon administration continues to put the country in danger to maintain its rule and complete a communist revolution, the KORGAD will have to make a decision for national salvation to ensure the nation’s survival and protect its constitution. We urge the Moon administration to withdraw its decision to end GSOMIA prior to November 22, the date of expiration, considering the grave importance of this issue; otherwise, we solemnly declare that we will launch a nation-wide campaign for the resignation of an authoritarian President Moon on November 23, 2019 in the spirit of the April 19 revolution and its resistance against injustice. // (end of the statement)
About Korean Retired Generals & Admirals Corps Defending the Nation (KORGAD) KORGAD was established on January 30, 2019, as a non-profit, non-partisan, and private NGO concerned about national security. Its establishment was directly prompted by the Inter-Korean Military Agreement signed on September 19, 2018, which is believed to undermine the security capabilities of the ROK Armed Forces and threaten the ROK-U.S. Alliance that has provided the nation with a shield for security and prosperity. Its membership comprises some 850 patriotic South Korean retired generals and admirals including 8 former Defense Ministers and some 40 former four-star generals and civilian experts, and about 500 honorary members. KORGAD, neither incorporated in or an agent of any government and/or a foreign principal, is solely supported by voluntary contributions of its members and strives to provide public services and enlighten the people pro bono publico in the area of national defense and security.