Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation Statements

2019-1-30 by Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation (2 Statements)
- Statement to ROK (Republic of Korea) Armed Forces
- Statement to the People of the Republic of Korea
A Statement to the ROK Armed Forces
Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation
Seoul, South Korea
January 30, 2019
We at the “Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation (KRGDN)” can no longer turn a blind eye to the collapsing national security. Therefore, we with all our heart request to our dearly beloved service men and women as follows:
First, all active-duty service men and women in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, you must decide whether you will give up on the people, territory and sovereignty of this nation by being misled by the sugar-coated “fake peace” and “inter-Korean collaboration” rhetoric or safeguard them by performing your sacred military duty specified in Article 5 of the Constitution. You should not join or connive at any anti-national activities that undermine the nation’s security capability fostered by your proud predecessors. Soldiers are not just nine-to-fivers, but the bulwark of the national security ready to dedicate lives to defend the country. You should sternly reject anti-patriotic demand of the politicians attempting to sell out this nation to enemy. Soldiers, do your best to defend the nation and the people you belong to.
Second, the Moon administration signed “the 9·19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement” that unilaterally neutralize ROK’s security capability though Pyongyang has not shown any substantial progress towards denuclearization. The regime in the North is notorious for numerous military provocations including the tragic Korean war in 1950, and it now is recognized by the United Nations as the worst criminal ring against the humanity. Signing such an enemy-benefiting agreement is not only a violation of the Constitutional but a de facto declaration of the national suicide. As a result, countless wartime defense facilities built by blood and sweat for the past 70 years have been destroyed; early-warning capabilities have been blunted; combat units have been rapidly dismantled; anti- communist and counter-espionage intelligence functions have been crippled; military morale has been dampened and discipline is crumbling. Defense Minister, Chiefs of Staff and Marine Corps Commander, do decide by the end of February 2019 to discard the “9·19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement,” order the entire military to follow the decision, and promptly restore the nation’s disrupted security capability! Do not accommodate anti-constitutional instructions hurting the nation’s security.
Third, all service men and women on active duty should not be enticed by the North’s “juche” ideology advocating the three-generation hereditary dictatorship and aiming at communizing the entire Peninsula. If necessary, please look back to the cases of communized countries to predict the fate of the ROK people and military after communization. Keep in mind that the North Korean military is unmistakably your main adversary until we achieve reunification based on the free democracy orders clearly stated in Article 4 of the Constitution.
Fourth, the ROK-U.S. combined defense system, built by insights and wisdom of the alliance guardians of both countries, has proven to be the best system to safeguard this nation. Nevertheless, the Moon administration is disrupting this system by seducing the public with honeyed words like “security sovereignty” and by trying to separate prematurely the wartime operational control (OPCON). Currently, the Moon administration is delaying an early conclusion of the ROK-U.S. defense burden-sharing (SMA) negotiation, thereby ignoring the possibility of USFK withdrawal and further deterioration of the alliance credibility. Soldiers should not forget that liquidation of the alliance and the combined defense system has been the North’s 70-year old desideratum. Soldiers, remember that protecting the combined defense system is the way to protect your nation and your families. Defend it desperately.
Fifth, we will not accept as beloved members of military community those soldiers who sell out military honor to keep their positions. Former Defense Minister Song Young-moo who signed the enemy-benefiting “9·19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement” must publicly apologize if he wants to show even a tinge of remorse for dishonoring his predecessors and colleagues. Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, who demands faithful implementation the Agreement and presses for preparation for an early OPCON transfer at every military commanders’ meeting to flatter political authority, must immediately resign and apologize to the public and the military community. Lastly, our beloved active-duty brothers and sisters, do not participate any longer in the act of treason and follow only the order given by the Constitution.
Hail, Free ROK! Hail, the ROK People! Hail, the ROK Armed Forces!
A Statement to the People of the Republic of Korea
Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation
Seoul, South Korea
January 30, 201
We at the “Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation (KRGDN)” briefed the citizens of this nation on the severity of security situation of the Republic of Korea (ROK) by issuing a statement after hosting the “Grand Forum on the 9·19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement” at the war memorial, Seoul, on November 21, 2018. Also, we sent 20 public questions to the government in the name of “415 retired generals concerned about the national security.” The Moon Jae-in administration, however, has remained silent. We believe the Moon administration have refused to answer our questions because either they have no confidence in convincing the public of the legitimacy of the Agreement or they completely ignore the demand made by the retired generals. We at KRGDN can no longer turn a blind eye to the current gloomy situation that may lead to not only a collapse of security but a demise of the nation. Therefore, we plea for your support as follows:
First, this nation was built and has been developed by desperate dedication of patriotic citizens for the past 70 years. Nonetheless, the Moon administration has been denying the legitimacy of its own nation and bringing down liberal democracy under the cloak of “inter-Korean collaboration” initiated by the unreliable Pyongyang regime. We shall no longer sit idly by so that the Moon administration and Pyongyang can determine the fate of this country. Now is time for the citizens to come together under the flag of “defending free democracy and opposing communism” and to bring the Moon administration’s anti-constitutional activities to a halt. If President Moon and his administration continue to disregard the citizen’s warning, the people of the nation will have to bring them to justice by employing all rights and means laid out in the Constitution.
Second, “the peace on the Korean Peninsula” that the Moon administration and the Kim regime in the North are jointly shouting does not mean genuine peace. Rather, it is “fake peace” designed to communize the whole peninsula. It is nothing more than a deceiving propaganda tactic to disrupt, incapacitate and disable ROK’s security capability, withdraw the U.S. forces in South Korea (USFK) and communize the country. All hardworking ROK citizens including entrepreneurs, merchants, engineers and farmers must recognize dire consequences the entire nation will face after communization. We will lose everything we have, and this land will turn into a killing field. This being the reality, the self-styled ‘right-wing’ opposition parties still going on divisive factional strife even on the brink of the nation’s collapse must decide whether they will voluntarily dissolve or throw away their easy-going behavior and unite in solidarity to put an end to the pro-North Korean leftist government. The ROK people must stand up together and squash the fake peace plot. United we stand, divided we fall.
Third, “the 9·19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement” that unilaterally inflicts harms to ROK’s security readiness and capability while Pyongyang has shown no interest in denuclearization only benefits the enemy. We must abrogate the agreement to protect the country. The ROK people must fight vigorously to scrap the Agreement.
Fourth, the ROK-U.S. alliance has provided this nation with security shield and economic stability, thus ensuring the its survival and prosperity. People’s power must safeguard this alliance, if the government refuses to do so, until the Peninsula is unified on the principles of liberal democracy and permanent peace takes root. Therefore, we should spend money preferentially for the ROK-U.S. alliance rather than for the North Korean regime since our help to the untrustworthy regime can any time boomerang on us as lethal weapons. If the Moon administration refuses necessary defense burden-sharing to support the USFK while profusely spending money for the regime in Pyongyang, the citizens will have to step in and launch a nation-wide fund-raising campaign to support the U.S. soldiers in this land.
Fifth, the Moon administration is suppressing conservative NGOs and civic groups dedicated to defense of ROK and oppressing patriotic conservatives and shacking the press, thus destroying humanity and liberal democracy in this nation. Now all citizens must stand up to the Moon administration’s tyrannical and unfair politics to protect the democracy.
Six, the Moon administration must stop the reverse navigation in its economic policy by discarding the anti-market populist policies. The moon administration, responsible for the current economic unrest, should strive for better quality of life of its own people rather than for the tyrannical regime in Pyongyang. Also, it should not let the Pyongyang regime twist arms of South Korean entrepreneurs to bribe itself. The ROK people will no longer tolerate the flattering diplomacy toward the North.
Related links:
- Retired-South-Korean-generals, Our Country is in Crisis, https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2019/01/30/Retired-South-Korean-generals-Our-country-is-in-crisis/2771548863958/
- Gen. Paik Sun Yeop and more than 500 Former Defense Ministers and Generals initiated national fund-raising to pay USFK defense costs(SMA), https://kimdongyon.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/usfk-genpaik/
- A Message to South Koreans, from Retired Generals Worrying about National Security, https://eastasiaresearch.org/2018/11/30/a-message-to-south-koreans-from-retired-generals-worrying-about-national-security/
- Declaration of 320 Patriotic Leaders to Oust Moon Jae-in and to Defend the Nation (Republic of Korea); 문재인 퇴진 및 국가수호를 위한 지식인 320인 선언문, https://eastasiaresearch.org/2018/10/28/declaration-of-320-patriotic-leaders-to-oust-moon-jae-in-and-to-defend-the-nation-republic-of-korea-%eb%ac%b8%ec%9e%ac%ec%9d%b8-%ed%87%b4%ec%a7%84-%eb%b0%8f-%ea%b5%ad%ea%b0%80%ec%88%98%ed%98%b8/