Abuse of Authority / Communism / Corruption / Education / Elections / Freedom / Human Rights / Japan / Labor Union / Nationalization / North Korea / Subversion
Constitutional Court Decision: Dissolution of the Unified Progressive Party
Decided on 2014-12-19
Case: Dissolution of the Unified Progressive Party, Case No. 2013Hun-Da1
This is a 442-page court document. Numerous names appear in the document, but the 2nd syllables are hidden. Here are some of the names.
- Lee o- Hee = Lee Jung-hee (이정희)
- Lee o- Ki = Lee Seok-ki (이석기)
- Lee o- Gyu = Lee Sang-gyu (이상규)
- Kang o- Gap = Kang Gi-gap (강기갑)
- Kim o- Nam = Kim Je-nam (김제남)
- Park o- Soon = Park Won-soon (박원순)
- Rho o- Chan = Rho Hoe-chan (노회찬)
- Rhyu o- Min = Rhyu Si-min (유시민)
- Sim o- Jung = Shim Sang-jeong (심상정)