Tears Flowed, but I Did Not Cry
2018-12-17, Dr. Ji Man-won
A Tearful Reply
At the Seoul Central District Court, there’s a 5.18 (Gwangju incident) trial in which I’m a defendant. The Case Number is 2016-2095. I was sued five times, and altogether, by 23 people. The current trial, began in May 2016, has been ongoing for 3 ½ years. I have written hundreds of pages of defenses to this date for the trial, and I mobilized all my wisdom to defend before the court. And in preparation for the soon-to-be announced verdict, I completed 161 pages of a “comprehensive written defense.” This is not just a written defense, but an investigative report, and it is not an imploration for mercy, but a written outcry yearning for justice. This defense will be printed in color with the title “5.18 Defense” and will be published. This book will be left in this world as an important part of the “5.18 Trial History.” The conclusion of the 161 page “Defense” completed today is as follows.
Conclusion of the Comprehensive Defense submitted to the first trial of the Seoul criminal trial
In this one case, there are five people including the priest(s) who belongs to Gwangju [Catholic Archdiocese’] Jeongpyeongui (Justice and Peace Committee), former Gwangju mayor Yoon Jang-hyun, a defector Jang Chul-hyun, 14 people claimed to be “Gwangsu” (those people from North Korea who went to Gwangju during the 5.18 incident), and two people claiming injury. Once they sued, they should have behaved like citizens of a democracy and wait for the court’s ruling, but they collectively descended on the corridors and grounds of sacred courts and inflicted mass assaults (on me), which is prohibited (illegal) in a democratic society, and as if that wasn’t enough, they put the blame on the defendant for the crime of injuring [them]. Police and prosecutors, who should maintain objectivity, have explicitly been siding with Gwangju (the Plaintiffs). It is this incident, in which even the police and prosecutors participated in a collective assault [on one person] involving law and physical force. If there is even one blade of grass called justice growing somewhere in this land, turned terrifying and frozen, it will be a great comfort to many people.

My Thanks to Chairman Son Sang-yoon of Newstown
The above case is a criminal case purely against one individual, Ji Man-won. The criminal case is only focused on Ji Man-won. A case in which Gwangju (the Plaintiffs) yet again concentrates all kinds of Gwangju’s capability to send a person, Ji Man-won, to prison is precisely this case, Case Number 2016-2095. It is fortunate that those [Plaintiffs] of Gwangju, Jeolla Province did not name Newstown in a criminal case. The communists of May [of 5.18 Gwangju Incident] are only focused on putting one person, Ji Man-won, in jail. So this Seoul criminal case is the one in which all the 23 Jeolla Province people from 5.18 groups, Gwangju Mayor, and Gwangju priests got together to sue.
I always felt grateful to Newtown. It is because my struggles regarding 5.18 [researching and revealing the truth about the Gwangju incident] was always a lonely one, and they struggled along with me. When Newstown first announced the existence of “Gwangsu,” it conceived an extraordinary idea. [News] extra #1, #2, #3. 100,000 each were published. As a result, the existence of “Gwangsu” was spread. This was the momentum to win the battle against 5.18 (narrative). The Newstown really did an important work.
The May groups (those who are suing) are not the type that would leave these Newstown’s extra prints (of gwangsu pictures) alone. The SupremeCourt announced its verdict a few days ago: “Newstown and Ji Man-won pay the victims a compensation of 82,000,000 won (~$72,440).” In other words, the verdict was “intimidation documents and a truth confirmation document that the Gwangju-Jeolla provincial judges defraud and rob the 5.18 [Gwangju incident]” [an unfair judgement supporting the current Gwangju incident narrative and punish anyone who raises questions or brings doubt to the narrative.] Newstown and I together received a verdict to pay 82,000,000 won [for the extra editions of Gwangsu] and I alone received a verdict to pay 95,000,000 won (~$84,000) for the book A Bill of Indictment: Images of the May 18th Gwangju Riot, to the those who sued (Plaintiffs).
Those who sued me from Gwangju, take only what I have
Whether or not this is legitimate is a matter that should be considered by all citizens in the country. The ability to do this is limited to only one person, Ji Man-won. I feel enormous thanks to Newstown, which believed in me and worked together with me. What media company worked with me on the 5.18 issue? So I always feel appreciative.
The Gwangju groups (that sued) filed the lawsuit against both Newstown and me, but I can only thank [Newstown’s] Chairman Son Sang-yoon. So I’ve been paying for the lawyer fees and other expenses myself without telling Chairman Son. I plan to also take responsibility of paying the 82,000,000 won myself.
However, I don’t have money other than my pension, so I “don’t have the money to compensate per the dirty verdict of Gwangju judges.” I will actively protect Chairman Son Sang-yoon and Newstown in this joint incident. I’ll be entirely responsible for the 82,000,000 won that we are told to collectively compensate.
Chairman Son Sang-yoon, be relieved. I’ll repay your kindness.
Newstown is not associated at all with the book A bill of Indictment: Images of the May 18th Gwangju Riot, so only Ji Man-won alone will pay the 95,000,000 won compensation. As a result, I guarantee that Newstown is completely free from the 5.18 reportings. I only hope that those who sued only extort everything I have. Even so,I won’t cry. I know. I’ll win forever. Tears come not from defeat, but from victory.
See original article in Korean http://www.newstown.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=390963#hi