Statement #2 from Former Minister Kim Yong-hyun:  Martial Law Lawful, Armed Forces Performed Their Duties Legitimately

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2024-12-18, Former Minister Kim Yong-hyun [TRANSLATION]

The following statement by former Minister of Defense Kim Yong-hyun was released by Lawyers for Freedom.


Former Minister Kim Yong-hyun’s Statement #2

My fellow citizens of the free Republic of Korea, do not be deceived. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea are justified in carrying out martial law duties.

2024. 12. 3.The martial law was declared to eradicate anti-state forces and pass on a free Korea to future generations. Following Article 2 of the Martial Law Act, I, as the Minister of Defense, made the proposal and the President declared martial law.

As long as I, as the Minister, have given the order in accordance with the intent of martial law declared by the President, the commanders and subordinates who carried out this are not guilty of anything. It is the performance of the duties of a soldier that is extremely fair and deserving of respect.

The prosecutors who are carrying out illegal investigations distort a part of the legitimate performance of the duties of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea and announce them to the media one by one.

They insult the Armed Forces by portraying the entire national defense duties, including the martial law duties, as if they were crimes. In fact, they have not provided even a single piece of evidence or legal logic how martial law can become an insurrection.

My fellow citizens of the Republic of Korea, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea are doing their duty to protect the people of the Republic of Korea. It is all too clear that conducting martial law duties is also the lawful execution of orders.

The investigative agencies are the ones distorting and publicizing it, arresting generals and imprisoning them through illegal investigations, and endangering the security of the Republic of Korea.

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea are on the side of the Korean citizens and will protect them from anti-state forces. Please have faith in us and support us until the end.



On this YouTube channel (Lawyers Fighting for Freedom) alone, there were over 500 comments supporting him, including:

  • Former Minister Kim Yong-hyun! Cheer up. We support you. All patriotic people will be with you.
  • I salute you for your dedication to saving the country. The prosecution is a pawn of the pro-China, pro-North Korea, election fraud force of the Democratic Party of Korea. All the people will resolutely fight together with Minister Kim. For the sake of the Republic of Korea, for the complete freedom of the Korean people
  • Minister Kim, do your best The people are with you. Let’s uproot the forces communizing the Republic of Korea and defend free democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, you’re admirable. I believe in you and look forward to it. I support you. Korean people’s hearts are with President Yoon. We will be with President Yoon until the end.
  • Minister Kim Yong-hyun!! I support you. Take care of your health, hold on to the end, fight until the end, so that the impeachment can be dismissed. The freedom right is with you. A good day will surely come. Cheer up. Fighting!! 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
  • You’re going through hardship. The people believe in you and support you. The people will protect you, so please cheer up.
  • I support you. We must take this opportunity to root out election fraud.
  • Minister Kim Yong-hyun, please cheer up. You making a statement like this gives us strength. President Yoon Suk-yeol, fighting!
  • Mr. Minister, I am moved to tears. Please never quit, I support you
  • I’m tired of their propaganda games. I don’t believe them even if they say bean paste is made of beans. Mr. Minister, cheer up. I pray for you.
  • Mr. Minister, cheer up and stand firm. The truth is coming out, and many people are worried about and supporting the President and you. Please take care of your health and come out as soon as possible and protect the security of the Republic of Korea and the Armed Forces. You will be honored in history.
  • I support you Mr. Minister. Save the President and the country. We absolutely can’t let this go on like this.
  • Your heartfelt patriotism brings me to tears. 70% of the land is occupied by pro-North Korea, but soldiers like you and the Korean people will protect [Korea].  Minister Kim Yong-hyun, the martial law was to investigate election fraud


24.12.18 김용현 전 장관 입장문 전문 게시합니다!

* 김용현 전 장관 입장문

자유대한국민여러분 속지마십시오. 대한민국 국군의 계엄사무 수행은 정당한 것입니다.

2024. 12. 3. 반국가세력을 척결하고 미래세대에게 자유대한민국을 물려주기 위한 계엄이었습니다. 계엄법 제2조에 따라 국방부장관인 제가 건의하고 대통령께서 계엄을 선포하였다는 것은 모두가 아는 이야기입니다.

대통령께서 선포한 계엄의 뜻을 받아 장관인 제가 명을 내린 이상, 이것을 수행한 사령관들과 부하장병들은 아무런 죄가 되지 않습니다. 지극히 정당하고 존중받아 마땅한 군인으로서의 직무수행입니다.

불법수사를 자행하는 검찰은 대한민국 국군의 정당한 직무수행을 일부만 왜곡하여 하나씩 언론에 공표하고, 

계엄사무의 수행을 포함한 국방사무 전체가 범죄인양 국군을 모욕하고 있습니다. 정작, 계엄이 어떻게 내란이 되는 것인지에 대한 증거나 법률적 논리는 단 하나도 제시하는 것이 없습니다.

자유대한국민 여러분, 대한민국 국군은 대한민국 국민을 지키기 위하여 오늘도 사명을 다하고 있습니다. 계엄사무 또한 명령의 적법한 수행임이 너무나 분명합니다.

수사기관이야말로 이를 왜곡하고 공표하며 불법수사로 장성들을 체포하고 인신구속하고 대한민국의 안보를 위태롭게하고 있습니다. 

대한민국 국군은 국민의 편이며, 반국가세력으로부터 국민들을 지켜낼 것입니다. 끝까지 믿고 응원해주시기 바랍니다.

2024. 12. 18.

