Gwangju City Uses Lawfare to Silence a 20-something YouTuber for Calling Gwangju Uprising in May 1980 as “Gwangju Uprising”
2023-1-20, Tara O
The Gag Law: “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law”
Gwangju Metropolitan City authorities charged a 20-something, David Han (not his real name), a YouTuber for violating the May 1980 Gwangju (“5.18”) “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law,” a law designed to prevent any challenge to the assertion that what occurred in Gwangju in May 1980 is anything other than a “democracy movement.” This is one of 14 cases that the City of Gwangju marked for investigation for violating the “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law” by spreading “false facts” online, specifically calling “5.18” an “uprising” or discussing North Korea’s involvement at that time.

Note: The “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law” [or “Special Law related to the 5.18 Democratization Movement” (5·18민주화운동 등에 관한 특별법)], passed by the Democratic Party of Korea (Deobureo Minjoo Party) in 2020, took effect on January 5, 2021. It punishes people with 5 years imprisonment and/or ₩50,000,000 (~$42,000) for “the denial, distortion, fabrication, or dissemination of false facts” related to the various incidents at Gwangju in May 1980. It applies to “publications such as newspapers and magazines, broadcasts and content using information or communication, exhibits and performances, discussion, social gatherings, press conferences, and rallies.” It excludes cases of art, scholarship, research, theories, reporting on events and reporting on history.
Han’s Saga

In March 2021 on his YouTube, David Han stated that the events in Gwangju in May 1980 were “pokdong” (폭동), which means a movement using violence, “banlan” (반란). In the dictionary, pokdong and banlan are both translated into English as rebellion, revolution, uprising, revolt, and mutiny, all meaning an outbreak against authority. He said “5.18,” was an armed uprising and revolt, because they were armed with weapons and resisted the authorities, but was transformed into a “democracy movement.” He also stated that the government at that time was the Choi Kyu-hah (최규하) administration. Since Choi Kyu-hah was elected according to the constitution to be the president, his government was already a democratic government, Han explained.
Jurisdiction. In May 2021, the City of Gwangju requested the Gwangju Police to investigate 14 cases, including Han. Since Han lives near Seoul, far from Gwangju, the Gwangju police had no jurisdiction over him, at least by the law of the Republic of Korea (ROK). The lack of jurisdiction, however, has not deterred the Gwangju authorities—police, prosecutors, judges—from trying to exert power over various “5.18” cases of the accused, who live outside Gwangju.
Han, who has a full-time job, had to take a leave of absence from work, to travel to Gwangju in September 2021 to be investigated. Several months later in December 2021, the police handed the case over to the Gwangju prosecutors’ office. The police referred 11 people to the Gwangju prosecutors by December 23, 2021. Interestingly, the case for Han transferred between the police and the prosecutors repeatedly during January to June 2022. In July 2022, the case finally went back to the prosecutors in Gwangju.
The Monitoring Machine
There are numerous entities that actively monitor the internet for content on the May 1980 Gwangju incident. The City of Gwangju, the 5.18 Commemoration Foundation Institute (5.18 기념제단연구소), and other “May organizations” as well as the Democratic Party of Korea (Deobureo Minjoo Party), which set up a comprehensive Special Committee on Measures Against Fake News and a reporting hotline are just a few of these organizations. DPK’s Special Committee is chaired by Pak Kwang-on (박광온), who visited Google Korea (Google owns YouTube) with a list of 104 Youtube videos to be removed in 2018, and threatened Google Korea with a potential tax evasion investigation if it did not comply with silencing Youtubers. These organizations notify the Korea Communications Standards Commission / KCSC (방송통신심의위원회 / 방심위) of YouTube about videos that they deem “distort 5.18.” In March 2019, KCSC, with the majority of members appointed by Moon Jae-in and his political party, decided to block people’s access to YouTube videos on “North Korean forces involvement in 5.18.”

The City of Gwangju has a Department of Human Rights and Peace (광주인권평화국장) headed by Yoon Mok-hyun (윤목현). This department is neither about human rights nor peace, as it is trying to censor YouTubers and referred the original 14 cases to the Gwangju Police Agency. In 2021, Yoon stated, “it appears the “distortion (of 5.18) activities numbers and participants in those activities have fallen,” but there are no changes to the online videos. I’m resolved to handle them in the most powerful and aggressive way” and reported them to the police for investigations under the latest 5.18 law. (1:01)
Netizens’ Reponses
Several South Koreans have responded to reports of using the “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law” to criminalize and censor citizens.
- What kind of democracy suppresses freedom of expression? It precisely confirms that (suppressing freedom) is their “democracy movement.”
- The list of “5.18 Meritorious Persons” should be made public, and the fake 5.18 Meritorious Persons should be promptly identified and punished. There are rumors that Lee Hae-x [chan], who was not in Gwangju at that time, was also [designated as a] 5.18 Meritorious Person, and this also needs to be verified.
- Reveal the [5.18 Meritorious Persons] list
- 518…518…Is it sacred ground only for them? A strange law that prevents people from even talking… Reveal the 518 Meritorious Persons List [why resist revealing the list?]… Aren’t you proud? Or is it embarrassing?
- Dissing the Korean War and Cheonan is OK, but only 5.18 is sacred?
- Why doesn’t anyone tell the story of the soldiers and police officers who were shot by the militia during 5.18?
- Just disclose the 5.18 Meritorious Persons list
- The very idea of punishing people by law just because they disagree on historical facts is very anti-democratic and violent. Even if the ruling party is devoted to a certain ideology and had pushed through (the law), such a law would not have been made if the citizens had been awake. It’s embarrassing for Korea.
- There are numerous photographs of armed organizations that stole heavy weapons such as machine guns and armored personnel carriers. So from now on, if the citizens get tired of the tyranny of Moon Jae-ang (“disaster,” a word play on Moon Jae-in) and storm military camps and police stations, capture weapons, and confront the military, it is a democracy movement, not a revolt, right?
- The “518 Distortion Punishment Act” is a truly terrifying law that gags the citizens. Was there ever a time in the history of the Republic of Korea when one had to be punished by law for speaking out against an event and writing about it? Is this a law created by those who cried out for equality and democracy? And since they made such a law, they sue and accuse vengefully. Is that appropriate for the cause of national unity? It is indeed childish~
Note: For the lavish benefits received from the ROK Ministry of Patriots and Veterans by those designated as “5.18 Meritorious Persons” by Gwangju City (which includes people who were not even there), see here.
Han’s Statement
These days, the 5.18 is being made as “sacred” even more. The state takes sides with the 5.18 powers, while severely repressing, including fining or jailing, those of us who express different opinions on 5.18.
It’s precarious for me too. I could be dragged away anytime.
The year before last year, I was investigated by the police (Gwangju Police Agency) as a suspect for referring to 5.18 not as a “democracy movement,” but as banlan and pokdong. Currently, my case is sent to the prosecutor (Gwangju District Prosecutor).
The title of the crime is the violation of the “5.18 Special Law” (5.18특별법 위반)
[ordinarily called “5.18 History Distortion Punishment Law (5.18역사왜곡처벌법)]
[officially called “Special Law related to the 5.18 Democratization Movement” (5.18민주화운동 등에 관한 특별법)]
It’s a very scary law that punishes you, if you don’t refer to 5.18 as a “democracy movement,” but express it in other terms, which is considered false and distortion. The sentences are also severe—up to 5 years imprisonment or up to ₩50,000,000 (~$42,000). The May 18 Special Law was made during the Kim Young-sam administration, and amended by the Moon Jae-in administration to add Article 8 to create a “punishment clause.”
I’m not a politician, I’m not a lawyer, I’m not a major YouTuber, I’m not (part of) an NGO. I’m just an ordinary young man in his 20s in the Republic of Korea, working earnestly in a job, and am no different from others.
However, after assessing our country’s distorted history and political problems, and realizing that these distortions are very grave, I now am doing this kind of civic activism, while working in a full-time job.
I leaped into this situation and I definitely am experiencing that life becomes exhausting and hard when dealing with (trying to correct) history, especially the problem of 5.18. It definitely takes a large toll in life. It is really a tough fight.
But this is a very important and serious issue. It must be corrected. Without solving the 5.18 issue, there is no future for this country.
We must all work together to fight against the powerful 5.18 force. Now I am with some like-minded patriots, but this is not such a simple problem that a few people can solve. We need to get as many people together as possible.
5.18 is a historical event in the modern era. But it’s not just a matter of history.
Whether we referred to 5.18 as a “democracy movement,” “rebellion and revolt,” or something else, it is about the “fundamental rights of the citizens,” such as freedom of expression, freedom of thought, etc., which are [rights] enshrined in the Constitution of a liberal democracy.
Our noble right to liberty is violated, oppressed and controlled through a tool called 5.18.
This is not just about correcting the distortion of history, but also about liberal democracy being threatened. It’s a critical and serious problem.
As I spoke through my YouTube platform, especially at the seminar on modern history in October last year, I will fight regarding the 5.18 issue to the end.
I will fight not only to set the historical record straight, but to defend our country’s precious “freedoms,” including freedom of expression. We all know this well. “Freedom” is the most important value.
I say again that this issue is very critical and serious.
In fact, the 5.18 issue is such a very difficult and overwhelming issue that hardly anyone confronts it head-on. Almost everyone is hush-hush and wants to avoid it.
But precisely because of that, shouldn’t we dig deeper and hang on more? Truly for our country.
Even if no one is with me, I will persevere, alone if I have to. Even if I lose this fight and go to jail, I will fight to the end. I’m risking my life in this fight, because it’s a way to protect the precious free Republic of Korea.
I will fight until the end for the Republic of Korea.
Without resolving the 5.18 issue, the Republic of Korea has no future. We must confront the issue of 5.18. I will fight 5.18 until the end.
<5.18에 대한 정통우파TV의 결의문>
안녕하세요. 정통우파입니다.
요즘 5.18에 대한 성역화가 날이 갈수록 심해지고 있습니다. 지금 나라에서는 5.18세력에 대해 유리하게 손을 들어주고 있으며, 반대로 저들의 입장에서 5.18에 대해 다른 의견을 표명하면 벌금을 물리던가 징역을 보내는 등 법적으로
굉장히 탄압하고 있습니다.
저도 간당간당 하네요. 언제 끌려갈지 모르겠네요.
저의 구독자분들은 다들 아시다시피 저는
5.18을 “민주화운동”이라 하지 않고 “반란 및 폭동”이라 하여 재작년에 경찰(광주경찰청)에서 피의자 신분으로 조사를 받았으며, 현재는 검찰(광주지검)에 송치되어 있는 상태입니다.
죄명은 “5.18특별법 위반”
(일명 5.18역사왜곡처벌법)입니다.
(정식명칭 : 5.18민주화운동 등에 관한 특별법)
5.18을 “민주화운동”이라고 하지 않고 다른 용어로 표현하면 그게 허위사실 및 왜곡이라 하여 법적으로 처벌하겠다는 어마무시한 법이죠. 형량도 엄청 셉니다. 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만원 이하의
벌금에 처한다죠. 이 법은 옛날 김영삼 정권에서
만든 5.18특별법을 문재인 정권에서 개정을 하여 제8조를 추가해 “처벌조항”을 만든 것입니다.
이 5.18역사왜곡처벌법은 현재 제가 첫 당사자라
작년 5월 18일에 저를 도와주시는 애국자분들과
함께 헌법재판소에 헌법소원심판을 청구했습니다. 하지만 약 1달여 만에 각하되어버렸죠. 우리나라는 현재 좌파세상이니 예상은 했었던 부분이었습니다.
비록 헌법소원은 떨어져 버렸지만, 우리는 그리 호락호락하게 당하지 않는다는 굳센 의지를 저 좌파세력들에게 보여준 것에 만족하고 있습니다.
그리고 추후 사건이 진행되어 기소가 되서
재판이 열리게 된다면, 저는 위헌제청 및
위헌소송을 하는 등 할 수 있는 모든 방법을
동원하여 저들과 맞설 것입니다.
저는 정치인도 아니며, 법조인도 아니며,
대형 유튜버도 아니며, 시민단체도 아닌 그저
성실히 직장생활을 하고 있는 남들과 다를바 없는 대한민국의 평범한 20대 청년입니다.
하지만 우리나라의 잘못된 역사와 정치문제를 파악하고 매우 심각하다는걸 깨닫고 발벗고 나서 현재는 직장생활을 하면서 이렇게 시민운동까지
하고 있습니다.
직접 밖으로 뛰쳐나와 경험을 해보니 역사문제,
특히 5.18문제에 뛰어들면 인생이 고달파지는
것을 확실히 느꼈습니다. 확실히 인생에서 마이너스입니다. 정말 힘든 싸움입니다.
하지만 이 문제는 매우 중요하고 심각한 문제로
반드시 바로잡아야 하며, 5.18문제를 해결하지
않고는 이 나라의 미래는 없습니다.
우리는 다같이 힘을 모아 함께 저 거대한 5.18세력과 맞서 싸워야 합니다. 지금 저는 몇몇 애국 동지분들과 함께 하고는 있지만, 이건 몇사람이서 해결할 수 있는 그런 간단하고 단순한 문제가 아닙니다.
최대한 많은 사람들이 함께 해야 합니다.
5.18은 현대시대에 있었던 역사적 사건입니다.
하지만 이건 역사문제뿐만이 아닙니다.
5.18이라는 사건을 “민주화운동”이라고 말하던,
“반란 및 폭동”이라고 말하던 그 무엇을 말하던
이것은 자유민주주의 헌법에 명시된 표현의 자유, 사상의 자유 등 “국민의 기본권”입니다.
우리는 이 5.18이라는 하나의 도구로서 숭고한 자유권을 침해받고 억압받고 통제받고 있는
것입니다. 이건 단순히 역사문제를 바로잡는 것을 떠나서 자유민주주의가 위협받는 등의 매우
중대하고 심각한 문제입니다.
저는 제 유튜브 플랫폼을 통해서도 말했었고
특히 작년 10월에 진행했던 현대사 세미나에서도 결의했듯이, 저는 5.18에 대해 끝까지 맞서
싸울 것입니다.
역사를 바로잡는 것은 물론이거니와, 표현의 자유 등 우리나라의 소중한 “자유”를 지키기 위해 싸우는 것입니다. 우리 모두 잘 아실겁니다. “자유”란
그 무엇보다도 굉장히 소중한 가치라는 것을요.
다시 한번 말하지만 이 문제는 매우 중대하고도
심각한 문제입니다.
사실 5.18문제는 맞서기가 매우 힘들고 어려워서
정말 총대메고 강력하게 나서는 사람이 거의 없습니다. 다들 쉬쉬하고 회피하고 까다로워 합니다.
하지만 그럴수록 더 파고들고 더 매달려야 하지 않겠습니까? 진정으로 이 나라를 위해서 말입니다.
저는 만약 함께하는 이가 없더라도, 혼자라도
끝까지 갈 것입니다. 설령 이 싸움에서 패해
감옥에 갈지라도 끝까지 싸울 것입니다.
저는 이 싸움에 목숨을 걸었습니다.
소중한 자유대한민국을 지키기 위한 길이니까요.
저는 대한민국을 위해서 끝까지 싸울 것입니다. 5.18문제를 해결하지 않고선 대한민국의 미래는 없습니다. 우리는 5.18에 대해 끝까지 맞서 싸워야 합니다. 저는 5.18과 끝까지 맞서 싸우겠습니다.