The Republic of Korea Can Only Live by Throwing Away Moon Jae In
2019-8-24, Lieutenant General Shin Won-sik’s speech at the Seoul Street Rally held by the Liberty Korea Party on August 24, 2019

Dear Patriotic citizens who are unable to sleep at the thought South Korea being on the brink of extinction! I am a member of the Strategic Committee for KORGAD (Korea Retired Generals and Admirals Defending the Nation) and former ROK Army Lieutenant General Shin Won Sik. Moon Jae In has systematically dismantled national security since his inauguration, and finally withdrew from the General Security of Military Information Agreement, so-called GSOMIA.
The withdrawal from GSOMIA is a highway for the withdrawal of the ROK-U.S. alliance and not to mention the breakdown of ROK-JPN (Korea-Japan) friendly relations. Moon Jae in and his cohort do acknowledge these outcomes. They delayed the decision (of withdrawal from GSOMIA) a bit, because of concern about backlash, but why did they suddenly decide to withdraw from GSOMIA?
It is because they (Moon and his cohort) want to cover up and manipulate the issue of Cho Kuk with Anti-Japanese sentiment. (1) But the more concrete reason is that Moon Jae In and his cohort subvert the Republic of Korea and hand it to Kim Jong Un. The Cho Kuk issue accelerated the process of subversion for the Moon administration. Moon Jae In is throwing away the Republic of Korea and protecting brazenfaced Cho Kuk and murderer Kim Jong Un. Now is the time for the Republic of Korea to throw away Moon Jae In.
Moon Jae In is exploiting the three major weapons to destroy the Republic of Korea. First, Moon Jae In used the candlelight revolution to demolish the continuum of the Republic of Korea and denied the institutional basis of democratism. Second, Moon Jae In is pushing the Republic of Korea towards economic depression by destroying free-market capitalism. Third, Moon Jae In is disarming the overall capability of self-defense of the Republic of Korea to support Kim Jong Un’s wellbeing. This endangers the life of South Koreans and the national existence of South Korea.
Unless you pay attention to the entire sabotage, Moon Jae In’s disarming national security activities look like they are separate and unlinked. However, these activities are closely linked and executed with a careful plan. Since the beginning of the Moon administration, in order to block any possible resistance for the disarmament of national security within the defense domain, they initiated a media scapegoat: Army general’s housekeeping soldier incident, Korea Cyber Command’s political intervention allegation, Park Geun Hye administration’s martial law allegation, and former National Intelligence’s (NIS) surveillance abuse allegations. These are all pre-planned humiliations and warnings to the national security arena.
Based on this, the national security chiefs of Korea obeyed the Moon administration, removed the concept of North Korea as our main enemy, and degraded the military combat-readiness. After achieving the degradation of intangible power of national security: morale and spirit, Moon Jae In initiated the degradation of tangible power of national security: military defense systems.
In July 2018, the Ministry of Defense released a ruinous and anti-patriotic Defense Reform 2.0, which contained the detailed plans for the degradation of national defense. In September of the same year, the Ministry of Defense signed the treasonous Inter-Korean Military Agreement with North Korea, which made the ROK defense system useless. Now, the South Korean army is unable to protect the people and cannot even protect themselves; their level has become essentially of summer camp youths.
The ROK-U.S. alliance is no different. The withdrawal of strategic assets to Seoul and weakened ROK-U.S. combined exercises ended up leaving only three pillars: GSOMIA, Wartime Operational Control (OPCON), and the U.S. Forces in Korea (USFK). But now, Moon Jae In and his cohort destroyed one of the three pillars, GSOMIA. Nothing is going to stop the ‘Kim Jong Un-worshiping’ Moon and his faction. Whether we want it or not, we have reached a decision point in the face of reality. A decision to“live or die” or “freedom or slavery” is facing us, and we must choose. The conflict in which everything is at stake has begun. This is the historical legacy and the choice of civilization. This is the déjàvu of the Korean War that began on June 25, 1950 and a return match (between liberal democracy versus communism).
Previous indoor rallies at the national assembly were the peripheral front of revolution. The main theater of revolution is right here, the square. This Sejong Center is the northern battleground at Daegu, Tabudong (Battle of Tabudong)! Gwanghwamun is the P’ohang-dong and An’gang-ni (Battle of Kyongju)! Where Seoul City Hall is the Masan Jindong Hill (Battle of Masan)! Where we all stand is the Nakdong River (Battle of Pusan Perimeter)!
We must defeat them so we can have Incheon landings and we can fill our canteen from the Yalu River. The Korean War is an unfinished war, but we must end 70 years of the ongoing war with our final victory. This square where we stand is the pivot of the counterattack.
I appeal to all patriotic citizens led by the Liberty Korea Party. No later than the end of this year, we must pull Moon Jae In out of the driver’s seat of the Republic of Korea.
There is a famous quote in 1776 when the people of the U.S. fought against a great power, Britain, fearlessly for independence. “Give me Liberty or give me death!” This was the scream of Patrick Henry. We should do the same by saying “Give me Moon Jae In’s resignation or give me death!” If Moon Jae In continues his position, then we should say “Give me impeachment (of Moon) or give me death” to win the general election. Victory for the opposition party is not to accumulate the seats to stop the leading party’s constitutional amendment, but the impeachment of Moon Jae In.
Dear patriotic people! If we gather our ardent cry and the brevity of ‘no fear of dying,’ we can change history. We must stop the liaison between Moon Jae In and Kim Jong Un and accomplish the unification under democracy and rebirth of the miracle on the Han River. The entire civilization of democracy is on our side. Don’t lose your hope and brevity for the fight.
I warn Moon Jae In and his cohort. Get out of Kim Jong Un’s arms and come back to the Republic of Korea immediately. If not, only impeachment, resignation, and death await you.
We often criticize Ye Wanyong for betraying Korea to Japan. But as a matter of fact, Korea at that time was too weak to sustain its independence from Japan. Ye Wanyong was a betrayer, but we must admit we were weak and Japan was stronger. But Moon Jae In is giving the well-developed Republic of Korea to failed and under-developed North Korea. This is even worse than Ye Wanyong and unacceptable. Moon Jae In is the worst betrayer of five thousand years of Korean history. Manipulation of Anti-Japan sentiments and the withdrawal of GSOMIA are a part of the long-term strategy of Moon Jae In. He is only concerned about the well-being of Kim Jong Un and his own benefits. Again, the Republic of Korea will die, unless we throw away Moon Jae In.
Lastly, let’s share the mindset of ‘unification under democracy and determine to live as free men.’ Thus I would like to end my speech with a shout of the slogan. Let’s repeat three times. I shout “Moon Jae In,” you shout “betrayer,” and I say “impeachment,” you shout “that’s what we want.”
Thank you.
(1) Cho Kuk (조국): a Justice Minister candidate. Candidate Cho accused of multiple unethical and illegal cases, including nepotism involving his daughter Cho Min’s questionable admission to multiple college and receivingundeserving scholarships.Reference: