Deoburreo Minju Party Asks Google to Delete 104 “Fake News”

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The Deoburreo Minju Party’s Special Committee on Countermeasures against Fake News visited Google Korea on the 15th and delivered a letter requesting “deletion of false information.”  Minju Party lawmaker Park Kwang-on (committee chairperson) visited the office of Google Korea in Gangnam-gu, Seoul in the afternoon and asked, “Please delete 104 fake news items posted on YouTube.”

The Fake News Special Committee reviewed its 968 cases, which were submitted from July to October to ts own reporting center,which the Party operated.  Of these, 146 were judged to be false information.  The contents requested to be removed include Moon Jae-in’s suspicion of health problems, suspicion of employment preference, and the North Korean invasion of the May 18 Democratic Movement.

On October 10, the Minju Party launched the special committee to counter fake news online, and took steps ahead of a national audit.  Park Kwang-on said, “We will also ask for a deliberation by the Korea Communications Standards Commission,” “After the legal review, we will proceed with the legal process,” he said. (truncated)

