Moon Jae-in jointly accused of Treason, National Movement Headquarters launched, A Chance to Unify Taegukki factions?

On September 21, 2018, Taegukki Revolution Citizens’ Activism Headquarters (태극기혁명국민운동본부 or 국본 for short) reported Mr. Moon to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea for Yeojeokjoi (여적죄)–a crime established by joining forces with the enemy of the state and resisting against the state–a type of treason.
The National Headquarters stated that the “9.19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration” and the “Military Agreement for the Implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration” are documents of surrender and documents of disarming the national military.

Moon Jae-in, who signed the anti-Republic of Korea documents, cannot be seen as the president of the Republic of Korea Korea, but as a puppet of a murderous, generational-succeeding, totalitarian dictator Kim Jong-un with no freedom or human rights. (truncated)